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English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "cognate "

The magnetic force of our earth-centre attracts to itself as much as is needed of the cognate seminal substance, while that which cannot be used for vital generation is thrust forth in the shape of stones and other rubbish.

It is great not only in regard to the vast array of purely astronomical facts which are at a writer’s command, but also on account of the extensive ramifications which the subject has into the domains of chemistry, photography, optics and cognate sciences.

Before proceeding further, it would seem desirable to determine in outline the mutual relations of these cognate studies, regarded from the point of view of Ethics.

Of these Wisdom is perhaps the most obvious: in the next chapter, therefore, I propose to examine our common conceptions of Wisdom, and certain other cognate or connected virtues or excellences.

Ingenuity in devising subtle or complicated means to our ends, and other cognate qualities more or less vaguely defined and named.

We need not, then, enter upon an exhaustive examination of these minor virtues-for it is not our object to frame a complete glossary of ethical terms-: but for illustration’s sake it may be well to discuss one or two of them; and I will select for examination Liberality with its cognate notions, partly on account of the prominence that it has had in the earlier ages of thought, and partly because of a certain complexity in the feelings with which it is usually regarded.

So again, reflection seems to show that the duties of Temperance, Self-control, and other cognate virtues, are only clear and definite in so far as they are conceived as subordinate either to Prudence (as is ordinarily the case), or to Benevolence or some definite rule of social duty, or at least to some end-such as ‘furtherance of moral progress’[268]-of which the conception involves the notion of duty supposed to be already determinate.

This appears clearly when we consider any virtue in relation to the cognate vice-or at least non-virtue-into which it tends to pass over when pushed to an extreme, or exhibited under inappropriate conditions.

Had this latter or any cognate phenomenon declared itself in any member of his family?

Jerome for a blunder, let us consider that so impressive a linguistic scholar as he may have chosen to give Moses horns deliberately by using cognate imagery he understood to stand for dignity and power.

' The word is cognate with Old High German mist `manure, shit, dung.

Waldteufel will hardly do as a cognate of the upper word, nor Daredevil of the lower.

The English cognate would be `shingler,' or `shingle-maker,' and the word originally comes from the Latin scindere , meaning `to split.

Street is from the Latin via strata , a paved road, a phrase whose own history mirrors the relation of ride and road: via road is cognate not only with our way , but with a whole set of Latinate words suggesting movement: vehement, convey , and even vehicle itself, just as way is related to wag and wagon .

Interestingly, these receptors can function as molecular switches, alternating between states of transcriptional repression and activation, depending on the absence or presence of a cognate hormone, respectively.

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