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Example Sentences for "coloring "

Russula alutacea-the pileus of which is often a purplish red-Amanita Cæsarea, and other species of brilliant coloring are known to be edible.

Although some are pure white, the caps are usually brilliant in coloring, but the color is very susceptible to atmospheric changes, and after heavy rains the bright hues fade, sometimes only leaving a slight trace of the original coloring in the central depression of the cap.

This is a handsome species, and though it is somewhat rare in many localities, its pretty and unusual coloring does not allow it to be easily overlooked.

Flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) Popular for its beautiful white flowers in the early spring and the rich coloring of its leaves in the fall; does not grow to large size.

An honest herb abounds in good green coloring matter (chlorophyll), that serves as a light screen to the cellular juices of leaf and stem.

Branded a sinner, through its loss of leaves and honest green coloring matter (chlorophyll), the pine sap stands among the disreputable 'gang' of thieves that includes its next of kin the Indian-pipe, the broom-rape, dodder, coral-root, and beech-drops (q.

Some blood rains have been found to be the meconial fluid ejected by large numbers of certain lepidoptera simultaneously emerging from their chrysalides; other red rains are due to the rapid multiplication in rain pools of algæ and of rotifers containing red coloring matter; “red snow” results from the presence of similar organisms.

It is by means of one of the many waters of the philosophers, and is made as follows, in the language of the text: “Take a moule which serveth unto the dying or coloring of heares whyte, eyther of man or[204] beast; let the moule be artely brought to powder with Brimstone, adde to it the juice of celandine which orderly be myxed, let to stande for certaine dayes, after dystill the whole according to taste.

From this insect the natives make a coloring for tattooing.

Lucie Berard's father reported that the portrait of his daughter, with its unorthodox coloring and swirling purple background, "simply frightens people away.

95 a dozen) feature various pictures of Brasco (TM) the Liberty Bear, first seen in the coloring book ($5.

2, Courtesy of Kate Wing Why not download the Ready Rooster coloring book, and learn that sometimes it's good to be a chicken.

And when both news and coloring are avoided, you get the Kuwait Times and a nice afternoon nap.

The money goes, says the Journal , to such surprises as fitness clubs and personal trainers, Delta Airlines pre-schoolers fliers club, and Liberty Financial's mutual fund for children, which features a quarterly coloring book and a savings and investing bingo game.

The emotional coloring of the evening, though, came from the soundtrack, a tape of Lehrman explaining his footage 22 years later to a 1950 meeting of the American Psychoanalytic Association.

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