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English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "columella "

The columella is present and the spores are round and minutely warted.

The spores and capillitium greenish-yellow, then brown-olive; the columella present, but very small.

This can be readily distinguished from the species of Bovista because it has a sterile base; and from Lycoperdon because its threads are separate and free, while those of the Lycoperdon are attached both to the tissues of the inner peridium and to the columella or sterile base.

The columella is stipitate into the sporangia.

This is a genus of myxomycetous fungi, giving name to the family Stemonitaceæ, which has a single sporangium or æthalium; without the peculiar deposits of lime carbonate which characterize the fructification of other orders, and the spores, capillitium, and columella are usually uniformly black, or brownish.

The hyphæ are thicker than the spores and branched, continuous with the slightly cellular base, and forming a columella inside the peridium.


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