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English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "commendable "

With commendable reticence lexicographers tell us that ‘rukh’ was the name of a bird of mighty wing.

One of these promising young animals is chosen, because of some commendable peculiarity of temperament or action, to remain unmutilated, as a procreator of his kind upon the ranch.

His frankness and honesty in bringing that question into the open is in commendable contrast with the tendency of most advocates of Socialism to conceal or minimize the fact that any such profound rearrangement of economic relations as is involved in Socialism must inevitably affect the family, because the economic factor in this institution is undeniably great, although how great is a matter of dispute.

" "It would be much more commendable to be somebody else's enemy," said the gentleman; "far more natural.

He allowed your crimes to be great, but that still there was room for mercy, the most commendable virtue in a prince, and for which his majesty was so justly celebrated.

txt The Best Policy The Washington Post leads with a commendable follow-up to a story that it broke Sept.

Bradley's and Gore's books are dull but commendable efforts to explain themselves and their views.

I also think it is commendable that his articles, although unfavorable to Microsoft in the main, are being hosted on a Microsoft-owned site.

He was flying to a wedding--a more commendable pursuit than the one that killed Michael, but nothing like the war that killed Uncle Joe.

This is the latest installment in the paper's repeated looks in the past year into the dark corners of California's penal system, all the more commendable because this degree of follow-up is so unusual.

Similarly, countering the commendable If you don't have an old person in the house, buy one , we have the less generous In time of famine the old have teeth and What the devil accomplished in a year, an old woman may accomplish in an hour.

Although it might be seen as commendable to make the interpretation of pronunciation symbols as easy as possible for the laziest users, I have little sympathy for the policy: in most cases, those who are too lazy to learn even the rudimentary respelling systems used in popular dictionaries (like the various college and desk dictionaries) are also too lazy to look up the pronunciation of a name or word, as is evidenced daily in the utterances of newscasters and announcers.

It is a commendable publication.

The $10,000 is a highly commendable goal which can be realized through contributions in whatever amount you can give.

If a sibling expresses jealousy, parents can remind the envious child of an admirable personal trait or a recent commendable performance.

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