
English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "conducing "

Whether the reservoir of Amenemhat had the larger or the smaller dimensions ascribed to it, there can be no doubt that it was a grand construction, undertaken mainly for the benefit of his people, and greatly conducing to their advantage.

Even in the case, therefore, of existing species of animals, it can often be shown that the past distribution of the species was different formerly to what it is now, not necessarily because the climate has changed, but because of the alteration of other conditions essential to the life of the species or conducing to its extension.

The day after this conversation Natasha put on the old dress which she knew had the peculiar property of conducing to cheerfulness in the mornings, and that day she returned to the old way of life which she had abandoned since the ball.

Having finished her morning tea she went to the ballroom, which she particularly liked for its loud resonance, and began singing her solfeggio.

When she had finished her first exercise she stood still in the middle of the room and sang a musical phrase that particularly pleased her.

She listened joyfully (as though she had not expected it) to the charm of the notes reverberating, filling the whole empty ballroom, and slowly dying away; and all at once she felt cheerful.

"What's the good of making so much of it? Things are nice as it is," she said to herself, and she began walking up and down the room, not stepping simply on the resounding parquet but treading with each step from the heel to the toe (she had on a new and favorite pair of shoes) and listening to the regular tap of the heel and creak of the toe as gladly as she had to the sounds of her own voice.

Passing a mirror she glanced into it.

"There, that's me!" the expression of her face seemed to say as she caught sight of herself.

"Well, and very nice too! I need nobody.


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