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English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "conjunction "

The shoulder joints, as well as moving on their own, also move in conjunction with arm movements.

) Spermatia are very minute delicate bodies found associated with many of the epiphyllous Coniomycetes, and it has been supposed are produced in conjunction with some of the Sphæriacei, but their real function is at present obscure, and the name is applied rather upon conjecture than knowledge.

As far as it relates to those forms which are so widely spread, and above all grow in conjunction with one another-and that is always the case in the specimens of which we speak-we can never be sure that the spores of the form which we mean to test are not mingled with those of another species.

If Mars, Jupiter, or Saturn is anywhere near conjunction with the earth, not only will a part of their "fields" be joined, but their laya points in the sun will be modified.

2), the action of which, in conjunction with other muscles, is to elevate the ribs.

Besides the abductor and adductor groups of muscles, there is a muscle which acts in conjunction with the adductor group, and by its attachments to the shield cartilage above and the ring cartilage below makes tense the vocal cords (vide fig.

On the top of the pyramid cartilages, in the folds of mucous membrane which cover the whole inside of the larynx are two little pieces of yellow elastic cartilage; and in the folds of mucous membrane uniting these cartilages with the leaf-like lid cartilage (epiglottis) is a thin sheet of muscle fibres which acts in conjunction with the fibres between the two pyramid cartilages (vide fig.

Consonants can only be produced in conjunction with a vowel sound, consequently the air is thrown into sonorous waves of a complex character, in part dependent upon the shape of the resonator for the production of the vowel, in part dependent upon the vibrations at each of these situations mentioned above.

Local or skin lesions may occur in conjunction with, or independent of, the above forms of disease.

For the production of animal food they are not to be surpassed, and in conjunction with the Highland Scot of similar pretension, they are the first to receive the attention of the London West-end butcher.

And as loving friends equally participate of the same joy and griefe, so doe these mutually partake of the same light from the Sunne, and the same darkenesse from the eclipses, being also severally helped by one another in 154 their greatest wants: For when the Moone is in conjunction with the Sunne, and her upper part receives all the light, then her lower Hemispheare (which would otherwise be altogether darke) is enlightened by the reflexion of the Sunne beames from the earth.

When Venus (saith Keplar) lies downe in the Perige or lower part of her supposed Epicycle, then is she in conjunction with her husband the Sunne, from whom after she hath departed for the space of ten moneths, shee gets plenum uterum, and is in the full.

Flammarion claims that the Chinese astronomers noted the five planets in conjunction in Capricornus, in the year 2449 b.

In 1902 and 1903, in conjunction with Mr.

are reduced from The Book of Lambspring; they express the need of the conjunction of two to produce one.

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