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English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "conjures "

Her coven conjures the demons.

But today the trend is in the exact opposite direction from the one Sullivan conjures up.

) He has spent his life as an "international civil servant," a phrase that conjures an image of someone wasting millions of U.

Typically, he conjures a Lutheran or Presbyterian setting for his novels, and his enthusiasm for those particular creeds induces him, at moments of crisis in one plot after another, to plunk his guilty male culprit of a hero (Updike's heroes are almost always guilty males) down on a hardwood pew and to subject him to a vigorous Sunday sermon on biblical themes.

The left conjures up a heartland full of racists, misogynists, and religious maniacs.

For Murakami's reader, it conjures up the excitement and terror, the white hots and the blue colds, of childhood treks through a storm sewer system.

Music that conjures up a sense of suspended time and a still, suburban afterglow seems a perfect occasion for its debut.

Confidential conjures up those racy old Avon or Pocket Books pulp covers--film noir but with colors that are lurid and deep--and comments on them, too.

With its featherweight premise, casually amoral heroes, and exotic locales, it conjures up an era (the '60s and '70s) when twisty, romantic heist pictures were routinely ground out as tax shelters--and sometimes cast with the producers' model girlfriends, so that expensive vacations could be written off, too.

Jonathan Lethem (the New York Times Book Review ) finds both ends of the spectrum in the book: "When he's at his best, Self's struggle with these opposed gifts conjures up fiction that alternately boggles, amuses and horrifies.

If this were a Rube Goldberg contraption, this recollection would remind the writer of the grease spot on page 2, caused by his having eaten a Big Mac, the memory of which conjures up such a vivid image that the writer opens his mouth to take a bite, and a string attached to his lower jaw releases a mouse, the sight of which arouses a cat which chases it, causing the mouse to squeal, awakening a midget who stretches, tripping open a trapdoor, through the trapdoor falls a usage book, sliding down a chute into the hands of the writer.

It conjures up the picture of someone boning up on his “word for the day’ just before attending a cocktail party and then awkwardly trying to steer the conversation in such a way that he can insert a word like paradigm, paragon , or parameter .

Cape dared suggest he travelled by train conjures up an image of Cape (“his” publisher) having the effrontery to put forward the theory that the absent “he” absconded by rail.

In the span of a few moments, she conjures up a fantastic, multicolored house and room and travels to a distant land where she witnesses a cataclysmic event! Alison: (while stacking multicolored plastic spoons) I don’t need my house painted.

Here are the miles and miles of landscape that Jamaica conjures up in your dreams.

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Example sentences with the conjures , a sentence example for conjures , and how to make conjures in sample sentence, Synonyms and Collocations for conjures how do I use the word conjures in a sentence? How do you spell conjures in a sentence? spelling of conjures

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