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Example Sentences for "constancy "

Inheritance provides the constancy of form and variation in detail that are characteristic of all living things.

Inheritance provides the constancy of form, and variation in detail that are characteristic of all living things.

Living species of plants and animals are characterized by their constancy of general form.

If this were not so, there would be no constancy of species, and a horse might beget a calf or a sow have a litter of puppies, which is never the case,-for in all time we find repeated in the offspring the structure, the instincts and all the general characteristics of the parents, and never those of another species.

" But while experience teaches the constancy of hereditary transmission, it teaches just as plainly that the constancy is not absolute and [22]perfect, and this introduces us to another law, viz: that of variation, which will be considered by and by; our present concern is to ascertain what we can of the law of similarity.

"Thus we reached his bride, whose virtue and constancy were equal to his own.

But, once originated, the conception of the constancy of the order of Nature has become the dominant idea of modern thought.

Though we are quite clear about the constancy of the order of Nature, at the present time, and in the present state of things, it by no means necessarily follows that we are justified in expanding this generalisation into the infinite past, and in denying, absolutely, that there may have been a time when Nature did not follow a fixed order, when the relations of cause and effect were not definite, and when extra-natural agencies interfered with the general course of Nature.

His fleshly arms are never strong enough; she will slip out of them; all the tales of woman’s constancy and woman’s virtue have no word of truth in them; the women were virtuous because their lack of virtue was never discovered.

No, there’s no constancy about the stars.

It is, however, a common error on the part of current writers to overrate the constancy and reliability of the winds in various parts of the world, and to lay too much stress on the value of permanent wind charts.

Time and patient constancy of research are needed to bring them to a successful issue.

) "The Admirable Bashville or Constancy Unrewarded", 1902 (His novel: "Cashel Byron's Profession" put into blank verse "because it is easier to write than prose").

He sometimes in the giddy whirl (Not being really bad at heart), Remembered Shakespeare with a start- But not with that grand constancy Of Clement Shorter, Herbert Tree, Lord Rosebery, and Comyns Carr And all the other names there are; Who stuck like limpets to the spot, Lest they forgot, lest they forgot.

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