
English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "contagious "

Maurice Maeterlinck once said that it is important to remember that happiness is as contagious as gloom.

A contagious disease descended on the town.

And 'tis not unlikely, but the Inventors of that Diabolical practice of poisoning the points of Arrows and Ponyards, might receive their first hint from some such Instance in natural contrivances, as this of the Nettle: for the ground why such poison'd weapons kill so infallibly as they do, seems no other then this of our Nettle's stinging; for the Ponyard or Dart makes a passage or entrance into the sensitive or vital parts of the body, whereby the contagious substance comes to be dissolv'd by, and mix'd with the fluid parts or humours of the body, and by that means spreads it self by degrees into the whole liquid part of the body, in the same manner, as a few grains of Salt, put into a great quantity of Water, will by degrees diffuse it self over the whole.

It is a contagious disease of purely local type, usually acquired during the sexual act, the infection taking place through a break in the continuity of the mucous membrane.

It is a contagious disease, acquired usually during intercourse, though the individual may become infected innocently from water closets, bath tubs, etc.

Syphilis is contagious and is transmitted by inoculation.

-The terms infectious and contagious are used in speaking of specific diseases.

A contagious disease is one that may be transmitted by personal contact, as, for example, influenza, glanders and hog-cholera.

-This is a contagious disease of the skin caused by thread fungi, Tricophyton tonsurans and epilans, which develop in the skin in localized areas, causing vesicles, scabs or scales to appear, and the loss of the hair over the part.

Scab and mange are exceedingly contagious diseases.

] Tuberculosis is a contagious an and domestic animals, affecting any the lymphatic glands and lungs, change in the tissues is the formation tubercle or nodule.

Its contagious character was proven by Villemin in 1865, who by experential infection transmitted tuberculosis from man to animals and from animal to animal.

-This is a highly contagious and infectious disease of cattle, sheep, goats and swine.

-This is a contagious and infectious disease of solipeds that is characterized by the formation of nodules and ulcers on the skin, nasal mucous membrane and lungs.

Although glanders is one of the oldest of animal diseases, it was not until 1868 that its contagious character was demonstrated.

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