
English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "contractions "

My contractions last about fortyfive seconds.

The contractions were coming quickly, and birth of the child was imminent.

The contractions of the stomach help to mix and digest food.

To revert to the function of the testes, we may say that during these various stages of sexual stimulation and excitement the testes are actively secreting thousands upon thousands of nascent spermatozoa, which being released, are hurried along, partly by their own flagellate movements and partly by the action of the cilia in the ducts of the epididymis and the peristaltic contractions of the vas deferens-hurried along the vas to the ampulla.

In this act the whole contents of the ampulla, vas deferens and ducts of the epididymis, the contents of the seminal vesicles, and the contents of the ducts of the prostate gland are all poured out by spasmotic muscular contractions into the urethra and by contraction of the walls of the urethra, ejected from that tube through the mouth of the urethra.

But in my work is a drawing which shows the left heart on the opposite of the mimic lungs from the right; and then how the same tube, by being folded in the form of a figure eight (8), shows the two hearts united into one, and both ventricles working by the same contractions to perform their different tasks.

The animal acts dull, refuses to eat, rumination is stopped, and there is a constant effort to urinate, as indicated by the raising of the tail and rhythmical contractions of the urinary muscles just below the anus.

The contents of the womb begin to affect the organ in the same manner as a foreign body, irritating the nerve endings and producing contractions of the muscles.

These contractions of the muscles help greatly in breaking down the attachments until finally the labor pains begin in earnest, and the foetus is gradually forced out of the womb, through the dilated os and into the vagina and vulva.

This results in contractions of the muscular wall of the uterus, and the expulsion of the foetus and its envelopes.

Spasmodic twitching or contractions in the muscles sometimes occur.

-This is an acute infectious disease that is characterized by spasmodic contractions of voluntary muscles.

The specific germ remains at the point of infection, and produces toxins that cause tetanic contractions of the muscles.

The contractions and subsequent expansions of the cup, formed by the upper part of the creature, may be one way in which its food is drawn in, but there is no doubt it can produce currents when it thinks proper.

The skin of the animal was tough and somewhat loose, and wrinkled during the contractions its proprietor made.

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