
English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "contracts "

The movie contracts signed by Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers forbade the couple from dancing together in public.

Because he is blind, singer Stevie Wonder signs all his contracts with a thumbprint.

Company policy states that at least 3 estimates must be obtained before any contracts are awarded.

Tennis star Martina Navratilova lost some lucrative endorsement contracts when she announced that she is a lesbian.

Many famous athletes sign lucrative contracts to advertise various commercial products.

Simon Whitfield has received numerous offers for advertising contracts since winning the gold medal in the triathlon at the Sydney Olympics.

Company policy states that at least 3 estimates must be obtained before any contracts are awarded.

Hollywood stars Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers had a clause in their contracts which prohibited them from dancing together in public.

The movie contracts signed by Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers forbid the couple from dancing together in public.

Our electronics operation now has contracts in over 12 countries.

On removing the bottle from the steam chamber, the liquid contracts as it cools, and the pressure of the external air drives the solid piece of rubber down into the neck of the bottle, and forces together the lips of the slit (Fig.

As the temperature falls the mercury contracts and reopens the narrow tube C.

As the fluid cools and contracts it leaves a vacuum in the neck of the flask below the rubber stopper.

2, admits from each point of every visible object a cone of light having the diameter of the pupil for its base, and most persons are familiar with that beautiful provision by which in cases of excessive brilliancy the pupil spontaneously contracts to reduce the cone of admitted light within bearable limits.

They are contained in a separate membrane or sac; when they mature the sac contracts and forces the spores out into the air.

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