
English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "convicted "

" The last words of one convicted killer in Texas just before he was executed were ""Remember, the death penalty is murder.

"" In 1925, John T.

Scopes was convicted and fined for teaching evolution in a public school in Tennessee.

A convicted rapist apparently sexually assaulted an old woman while out on parole.

Nearly 43 percent of convicted criminals serving prison sentences in the United States are re-arrested within a year of being released.

The Canadian judiciary has shown a reluctance to jail people convicted of the simple possession of marijuana.

New evidence was brought forward during the murder inquiry that show that the man convicted of the crime may actually be innocent.

In ancient Egypt, when a woman's husband was convicted of a crime, she and her children were punished as well.

In 1931, gangster Al Capone was convicted for not paying his income tax.

Political prisoners in many countries are convicted in trials which violate internationally agreed standards.

Nearly 43 percent of convicted criminals serving prison sentences in the U.S are re-arrested within a year of being released from jail.

They were convicted of murder, and hanged.

Some people believe that Martin Luther King, Jr.

was assassinated by someone other than the man who was convicted of the crime.

Nearly 43 percent of convicted criminals serving prison sentences in the United States are re-arrested within a year of being released from prison.

An International Criminal Tribunal convicted three Serbs of the rape and torture of Bosnian women in 1992.

Political prisoners in many countries are convicted in trials which violate internationally agreed standards.

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