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Use congenitally in a sentence - Example Sentences for congenitally

" Is it possible, dear reader, that 200 Democratic members of Congress--who are congenitally incapable of silence on any subject--can spend an hour in private with the president and not talk about the 800 pound gorilla in the room?

Millionerds Maligned Michael Lewis is congenitally incapable of being boring, but he comes damn close in his first Millionerds missive ("T.

Similar data are also needed for other congenitally deaf children [ 36 ] and in the deaf white cat [ 25 ] .

This would possess what I claim are the key necessary features: a big life extension, in something furry and not congenitally sick, from treatment begun in middle age.

A cell may, it is true, be congenitally defective, in which case disease is, so to speak, its normal state.

Now there is no doubt whatever that proficiency in this particular sort of human activity is possessed by every human being who is not congenitally deaf or dumb; we are all able to say what we want to say, we are all able to understand what is said to us provided that the communication concerns things which are within the limits of our knowledge.

But when the human brain is congenitally imperfect or diseased, or when it is in the state of infancy, we see in it an approach towards the character of the brains of some of the inferior animals.

It is true that some of the higher mental powers, as yet but little developed in the race, and congenitally possessed in any considerable degree only by the most advanced, are indisposed to the amount of exertion required of them.

We should parade before our mind's eye the inmates of the lunatic, idiot, and pauper asylums, the prisoners, the patients in hospitals, the sufferers at home, the crippled, and the congenitally blind, and that large class of more or less wealthy persons who flee to the sunnier coasts of England, or expatriate themselves for the chance of life.

The vertebral bodies are short and flattened with relatively large intervertebral disk height, and there is congenitally narrowed spinal canal.

Aortic stenosis occurs in this condition usually in patients in their 40s or 50s, an average of 10 years earlier than can occur in people with congenitally normal aortic valves.

From this he concluded that deafness was hereditary in nature and, through noting that congenitally deaf parents were more likely to produce deaf children, tentatively suggested that couples where both were deaf should not marry, in his lecture 'Memoir upon the formation of a deaf variety of the human race' presented to the United States National Academy of Sciences on 13 November 1883 .

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The word congenitally

Example sentences with the congenitally, a sentence example for congenitally, and how to make congenitally in sample sentence, Synonyms and Collocations for congenitally how do I use the word congenitally in a sentence? How do you spell congenitally in a sentence? spelling of congenitally