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Use cooperage in a sentence - Example Sentences for cooperage

It is used for general construction, interior finish, railroad ties, posts and cooperage.

Commercial value: It has a heavy, tough, and strong wood, which is valuable in the manufacture of cooperage stock, agricultural implements, and carriages.

Commercial value: The wood is strong and tough and therefore has a special value for cooperage, agricultural implements, carriages, and shipbuilding.

It is used mainly for cooperage, tool handles, shoe lasts, chairs, etc.

It is heavy, hard, strong and durable and is used in cooperage, construction work, interior finish of buildings and for railroad ties, furniture, agricultural implements and fuel.

It is used in cooperage, veneer work and for interior finish.

Commercial value: The wood is light and soft and used for paper pulp, woodenware, cooperage and furniture.

Wood used in general construction, especially in places where durability is required; also for shingles, cooperage, posts, and poles.

The wood of the oaks is used for all kinds of furniture, interior finish, cooperage, vehicles, cross-ties, posts, fuel, and construction timber.

The wood is used for cross-ties, telegraph and telephone poles, posts, furniture, cooperage, and tannin extract.

The wood of the ashes is used for wagon and carriage stock, agricultural implements, oars, furniture, interior finish, and cooperage.

The wood is used principally for slack cooperage; also for hubs, baskets, agricultural implements, and fuel.

The wood is used for cheap furniture, turnery, cooperage, woodenware, novelties, cross-ties, and fuel.

The wood is used for slack cooperage, flooring, interior finish, furniture, musical instruments, handles, and destructive distillation.

The wood is used for finishing, flooring, furniture, veneers, slack cooperage, boxes, and gun stocks.

There is an advertising gallery, an audio-visual show, a Cooperage and Transport Museum, souvenir shop, coffee shop, and a bar where you can sample the brew.

In the old Cooperage across the road from the Museum are the Craft Centre and the Arts Centre, both great places to search for a Bermudian souvenir.

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The word cooperage

Example sentences with the cooperage, a sentence example for cooperage, and how to make cooperage in sample sentence, Synonyms and Collocations for cooperage how do I use the word cooperage in a sentence? How do you spell cooperage in a sentence? spelling of cooperage