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Use corrective in a sentence - Example Sentences for corrective

Nowadays, many people with poor eyesight can have their vision restored through corrective lens surgery using a laser beam.

Nowadays, many people with poor eyesight can have their vision restored through corrective lens surgery using a laser beam.

In the former case the acid may act as a corrective to the fluids before secretion; in the latter case, after it.

Thus we may suppose that there is a certain degree of analogy between its operation and that of the malarious poison, by virtue of which it may perhaps exert a corrective power over the working of the latter in the blood.

This, then, is one element of what Aristotle calls Corrective Justice, which is embodied in criminal law.

Abstemiousness represents a corrective, without which the individual tends toward an anti-social line of action and contracts diseases.

In other words, there are certain abnormal individuals who, if they are not to turn out criminals, must exercise a violent corrective influence over their psycho-physical personality, and they must be trained to do so; for it is an influence unknown to the normal man, who not only has no inclination to commit a crime, but recoils from doing so, and on the contrary may arise to degrees of moral perfection that are inconceivable to the abnormal man.

They show that punishments are still regarded as possessing a corrective efficacy, because the conception that the so-called delinquent children may be a pathological product and a result of disastrous family and social conditions, has not yet penetrated with sufficient clearness.

The benefit wrought by education consists not only in contributing to the real and actual cure, as in the case of epilepsy; but also in the corrective, as well as curative, effect upon the personality.

But the industrial system requires a free market in labour and, in the nineteenth century, the role of forced labour in the mechanisms of punishment diminishes accordingly and 'corrective' detention takes its place.

Only now are the Times and the rest of the press belatedly offering a corrective revision.

Both stories report that the rules, which mandate various corrective actions at the first sign of injury, will cost companies an aggregate $4.

" The third was Slate 's own Chatterbox, who argues for irony on the charmingly loopy ground that it is a fin de siècle condition, and that one corrective for the fin de siècle condition is, historically, the election of non-ironic presidents, whose ranks might include not just Al Gore and Bill Bradley but also the frightening Gary Bauer, Orrin Hatch, and Alan Keyes.

MacKinnon argues that sexual harassment laws are a necessary corrective to the oppressive patriarchy of the workplace, and she wants current laws stiffened.

) Newsweek describes the controversy over sex-corrective surgery for "intersexual" babies--children born with the wrong--or incomplete--sex organs.

The second of two installments in the presidential scholar's biography of the 36 th president is deemed "sound and judicious," and a corrective to Robert Caro's polemical anti-Johnson tomes (Sean Wilentz, the New York Times Book Review ).

2) Even if an employee does not suffer adverse job consequences for rejecting a supervisor's advances, the employer can be held liable unless a) the employer shows it "exercised reasonable care to prevent and correct promptly any sexually harassing behavior" and b) the employee "unreasonably failed to take advantage of any preventive or corrective opportunities.

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The word corrective

Example sentences with the corrective, a sentence example for corrective, and how to make corrective in sample sentence, Synonyms and Collocations for corrective how do I use the word corrective in a sentence? How do you spell corrective in a sentence? spelling of corrective