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Use cosmical in a sentence - Example Sentences for cosmical

Necessarily, our experiences are mostly confined within this range, and therefore we are apt unconsciously to assume that this range is all the range that is possible, whereas it is but a very small fraction of the range conceivable, and indeed existing, in cosmical space.

For a time this view of the nebulæ gave place to that which regarded them as external galaxies-cosmical "sand heaps," too remote to be resolved into separate stars, though, indeed, in 1858, Mr.

The inquisitiveness of the human mind did not allow us to remain content with the interpretation of the present state of the cosmical masses, but suggested the question- What see'st thou else In the dark backward and abysm of time?

It might be that the cosmical bodies which were still nebulous owed their later development to some conditions of the part of space where they occurred, such as conceivably a greater original homogeneity, in consequence of which condensation began less early.

In the middle of the last century the cold weather of the Ice Saints was variously ascribed to the melting of the ice and snow of high latitudes, the passage of periodic meteor showers between the earth and the sun, and other far-reaching terrestrial or cosmical causes.

There certainly seems an apparent identity in point of time between the two classes of spots, and on the assumption that the spots on Jupiter are indicative of disturbances on the planet, Ranyard broached the idea that both classes of phenomena are dependent on some extraneous cosmical change; and are not related as cause and effect.

For this reason it will be convenient for the student to have a general view of the cosmical elements that he employs in his calculations and of the factors that enter into his consideration when studying a horoscope.

With these observations as a general guide to the cosmical factors involved in the planetary motions, the reader will be able to take a more intelligent interest in the foundations of his study than is the usual case from the pursuit of the subject by rule-of-thumb methods.

When we come to the consideration of the Moon as a cosmical factor we are face to face with one of the most difficult and evasive problems.

Thus by many lines of evidence the patient student may confirm his belief in the influence of the stars in human life, which involves the yet higher concept of the government of humanity by the greater Intelligences according to preordained laws, divine in their origin and cosmical in their expression.

These dogmas give man a cosmical importance which he does not possess, and imputes to God a susceptibility and cruelty altogether unworthy of the Supreme Being.

It has, indeed, been surmised that these so-called elements are only modifications of a primordial form of matter, brought about under certain conditions; but if this should prove to be the case, it would little affect the view which we are taking of cosmical arrangements.

Hence, we cannot suppose that there is any peculiarity about it which does not probably attach to multitudes of other bodies - in fact, to all that are analogous to it in respect of cosmical arrangements.

More than this, the fact of the cosmical arrangements being an effect of natural laws is a powerful argument for the organic arrangements being so likewise, for how can we suppose that the august Being who brought all these countless worlds into form by the simple establishment of a natural principle flowing from his mind, was to interfere personally and specially on every occasion when a new shell-fish or reptile was to be ushered into existence on one of these worlds? But the fact is, however startling the present announcement of it may be, that the first chapter of the Mosaic record is not only not in harmony with the ordinary ideas of mankind respecting cosmical and organic creation, but is opposed to them, and only in accordance with the views here taken.

When we have any set of complex facts offered to us; for instance, those which were offered in the cases of discovery which I have mentioned-the facts of the planetary paths, of falling bodies, of refracted rays, of cosmical motions, of chemical analysis; and when, in any of these cases, we would discover the law of nature which governs them, or, if any one chooses so to term it, the feature in which all the cases agree, where are we to look for our A, B, C, and a, b, c? The “cosmical motions” were determined by highly complex processes of thought, in which Deduction was predominant, but the Methods of Agreement and of Concomitant Variations had a large part in establishing the empirical laws.

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The word cosmical

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