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Use courtesied in a sentence - Example Sentences for courtesied

Then Angela courtesied low and begged her ladyship to examine the dress in the glass.

Accordingly, she courtesied and went from me a few Steps, when, looking into her Hand, she turned suddenly back; Sir, Sir, says she, here had like to have been a sad Mistake, you meant to give me a Shilling, and you have given me a whole Guinea; it was, says I, a very great Mistake, indeed; but, be pleased to come in, and we will try to rectify our Errors. [Page 92] Here, I took her into the Chamber where John lay, and, having constrained her to sit down, I put my Hand in my Pocket.

So saying, she courtesied and suddenly withdrew, without giving her Cousin Time to make a Tender of his Services.

Whenever he entered, the Queen rose, courtesied, and retired or offered to retire.

I courtesied to him, and to Mrs. Jervis for her good word; and said, I wished I might be deserving of his favour, and her kindness: and nothing should be wanting in me, to the best of my knowledge.

I looked up when I got to the chariot, and I saw my master at the window, in his gown; and I courtesied three times to him very low, and prayed for him with my hands lifted up; for I could not speak; indeed I was not able: And he bowed his head to me, which made me then very glad he would take such notice of me; and in I stepped, and was ready to burst with grief; and could only, till Robin began to drive, wave my white handkerchief to them, wet with my tears: and, at last, away he drove, Jehu-like, as they say, out of the court-yard.

I rose, and courtesied, saying, I would attend his honour; and he said, Do, good girl! For she is quite wild about it.--I courtesied, and only said, You are all very good to me, ladies.--Mr. Peters's niece said, Well, Miss Andrews, I hope, before we part, we shall be told the happy day.

I courtesied, and blushed, not thinking any body heard me.

My sister courtefied; but for my part, I [Page 161] don't know whether I courtesied or not: I was never so confused in my life, and during the whole time we were at church, I scarce ever durst raise my eyes; for I was sure to find Mr. William looking into our pew.’ ‘I suppose you was not displeased with him,’ said Sophia, ‘for taking so much notice of you?’ ‘I do not know whether I was or not,’ replied Dolly; ‘but I know that I was in a strange confusion during all church-time; yet I observed that Mr. William did not go out when the rest of the congregation did, but staid behind, which made my sister laugh, for he looked foolish enough standing alone.

I will engage there is not a nymph in this hamlet whose frown would not drive her lover to despair: own the truth now,’ said she, turning with a lively air to William, ‘are you not violently in love?’ The youth bowed, blushed, and sighed; and not daring to look at his mistress, he suffered his eyes, full as they were of tender expression, to direct their glances towards Sophia. "I am proud to own, madam," said he to Harriot, ‘that I have a heart capable of the most ardent passion.’ [Page 5] "And ... g to be gone, "Come, Sophy," said she, taking her under the arm, ‘my mamma will take it ill that you make no more haste to see her, for we shall return to town immediately.’ "Sure you will stay one night," said Sophia. "Oh not for the world!" exclaimed Harriot affectedly; ‘How can you imagine I would stay so long in an odious village, to be rusticated into aukwardness,’ pursued she with a spiteful laugh, [Page 6] ‘and ashamed to shew my face in any assembly in town afterwards.’ Saying this, she courtesied disdainfully to Mrs. Gibbons and her nephew, and tripped away, pulling her sister away with her.

While she was absorbed in these melancholy thoughts, Harriot's maid entered the room, who after glancing over Sophia with a supercilious eye, (for she was very simply drest,) asked her, ‘If she had any business with her lady.’ ‘Tell her, replied Sophia, that her sister is here.’ [Page 146] The girl blushed, courtesied, and flew to acquaint her mistress; and Sophia was instantly desired to walk up stairs.

My sister courtesied; but for my part, I don't know whether I courtesied or not: I was never so confused in my life, and during the whole time we were at church, I scarce ever durst raise my eyes; for I was sure to find Mr. William looking into our pew.’ ‘I suppose you was not displeased with him, said Sophia, for taking so much notice of you?’ ‘I do not know whether I was or not, replied Dolly; but I know that I was in a strange confusion during all church-time; yet I observed that Mr. William did not go out when the rest of the congregation did, but staid behind, which made my sister laugh; for he looked foolish enough standing alone.

I will engage there is not a nymph in this hamlet whose frown would not drive her lover to despair: [Page 493] pair: own the truth now, said she, turning with a lively air to William, are you not violently in love?’ The youth bowed, blushed, and sighed; and not daring to look at his mistress, he suffered his eyes, full as they were of tender expression, to direct their glances towards Sophia. ‘I am proud to own, madam, said he to Harriot, that I have a heart capable of the most ardent passion.’ ... fore unwilling to be gone, ‘Come, Sophy, said she, taking her under the arm, my mamma will take it ill that you make no more haste to see her, for we shall return to town immediately.’ "Sure you will stay one night," said Sophia. "Oh not for the world!" exclaimed Harriot affectedly; ‘How can you imagine I would stay so long in an odious village, to be rusticated into aukwardness, pursued she, with a spiteful laugh, and ashamed to shew my face in any assemby in town afterwards.’ Saying this, she courtesied disdainfully to Mrs. Gibbons and her nephew, and tripped away, pulling her sister away with her.

While she was absorbed in these melancholy thoughts, Harriot's maid entered the room, who after glancing over Sophia, with a supercilious eye, (for she was very simply drest,) asked her, ‘If she had any business with her lady.’ ‘Tell her, replied Sophia, that her sister is here.’ The girl blushed, courtesied, and flew to acquaint her mistress; and Sophia was instantly desired to walk up stairs.

I courtesied--Your servant, sir--The man cried, Madam, Madam, twice, and looked like a fool.--But away I went--to find my brother, to save my word.--But my brother, indifferent as the weather was, was gone to walk in the garden with my sister.

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The word courtesied

Example sentences with the courtesied, a sentence example for courtesied, and how to make courtesied in sample sentence, Synonyms and Collocations for courtesied how do I use the word courtesied in a sentence? How do you spell courtesied in a sentence? spelling of courtesied

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