
English words and Examples of Usage

use "in order that" in a sentence

Samuel Johnson once suggested that in order that all men may be taught to speak the truth, it is necessary that all likewise should learn to hear it.

He raised his hand in order that the taxi might stop.

He did everything in order that he could get the prize.

Felix Frankfurter once observed that judicial judgment must take deep account of the day before yesterday, in order that yesterday may not paralyze today.

Johannes Kepler once noted that the diversity of the phenomena of nature is so great, and the treasures hidden in the heavens so rich, precisely in order that the human mind shall never be lacking in fresh nourishment.

They study in order that they may enter the university.

He worked hard in order that his family might live in comfort.

Close the oven door, and open the ventilating slide, in order that any moisture left in the tubes, etc.

impression films (Klatschpraeparat) are prepared from isolated colonies of bacteria in order that their characteristic formation may be examined by higher powers than can be brought to bear on the living cultivation.

He is, therefore, now entrusted with pure cultivations of the various pathogenic bacteria, in order that he may study the life-history of each and record the results of his own observations-to be subsequently corrected or amplified by the demonstrator.

in so doing, and in order that the work of different observers may be compared, conditions as nearly uniform as possible should be aimed at.

it may be sometimes necessary with dead leaves to throw them in water, in order that they may be flattened without breaking, and then dry them in the same manner as green leaves.

When children pinch a puffball to "see the smoke," as they say, issue from it, little do they know that they are doing just what the puffball would have them do, in order that its seeds may be scattered to the winds.

in the latter operation it receives an additional light sprinkling; the dry portions are turned inside in order that the whole mass may be homogenous and uniformly moist, and the heap is again raised to about three feet.

The individual sacrifices in order that he may reap his reward or receive his compensation.

These details have been explained in order that the young man may fully understand the physiology of his sexual apparatus and not be disturbed by the advertisements or the pamphlet literature of charlatans who make a business of frightening young men into the belief that in these experiences they are losing "vital fluid"that they are victims of "lost manhood," or that they are entering into a condition of "general debility" and "impotence.

As we went up higher we should find that we should have to climb more than 900 feet further in order that the barometer might fall another inch; and each successive inch, as we went upward, would mean a longer climb.

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