
English words and Examples of Usage

use "on the whole" in a sentence

On the whole i am satisfied with the experiment.

My opinion is on the whole the same as yours.

On the whole, the pomato plants are growing well this year.

Today he was late for his class.

But he is, on the whole, a satisfactory student.

His paper was, on the whole, satisfactory.

He is, on the whole, a satisfactory student.

The play went very well on the whole.

But this involved the defects, already explained, of making the picture obscure, so that on the whole the best compound instruments were inferior to the simple microscopes of a single lens, with which, indeed, all the important observations of the last century were made.

Their free upper end swells in a rounded manner, and from this is produced, on the whole of its upper part, rayed divergent protuberances, which attain an oval form, and a length almost equal to their radius, or, in weaker specimens, the diameter of the rounded head.

it may be that in some directions these influences are exaggerated; but it is certain that on the whole their influence is far more important for evil and for good than that of any other of the Cryptogamia.

Some common tropical species do not occur, and, on the whole, the general character seems sub-tropical rather than tropical.

The fact that the climate is, on the whole, more temperate than that of some other islands in the same latitudes, would lead us to expect the presence of a comparatively large number of European species, or those which are found in the more northern United States, or British North America, and may account for the fact that so small a proportion of species should be identical with those from neighbouring islands.

The collections on the whole can scarcely be said to be of any great interest, except so far as geographical distribution is concerned, as the aberrant forms are few.

On the whole, however, the use of these stimulants is to be discouraged.

On the whole they are quite satisfactory and each pays annually in its growth, labor or milk a profit over the cost of food and attendance of five or ten dollars or more.

The case of Jacob is often quoted in support of this view, and although many believe some miraculous agency to have been exerted in his case, and though he could say with truth, "God hath taken away the cattle of your father and given them to me," it seems, on the whole, more probable, inasmuch as supernatural agency may never be presumed, except where we know, or have good reason to believe, that natural causes are [60]insufficient, that God "gave" them, as he now gives to some, riches or honors; that is to say, by virtue of the operation of natural laws.

" On the whole it may be said that the evidence both from observation and the testimony of the best practical breeders goes to show that each parent usually [86]contributes certain portions of the organization to the offspring, and that each has a modifying influence upon the other.

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