first step in a sentence

The first step to abstention is to have incentive.

The above-mentioned treatise was a first step in this regard.

The first step is the hardest.

Let’s do this as a first step.

The first step is always the hardest.

A baby horse must take its first steps within moments of being born.

Astronaut Neil Armstrong first stepped on the moon with his left foot.

The first step in getting over your alcoholism is admitting you have a problem.

Seneca wrote that the first step towards amendment is the recognition of error.

Socrates said that recognising your own ignorance is the first step towards wisdom.

Marie Anne du Deffand once remarked that it is only the first step that is difficult.

There is an old proverb which notes that the first step toward greatness is to be honest.

Larry Leissner once joked, “If confusion is the first step to knowledge, I must be a genius.

Next week’s summit of the nuclear powers is a first step in reducing the world’s nuclear arsenal.

Oscar Wilde once remarked that discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation.

My daughter loves to replay again and again the part in our home video when she took her very first steps.

The repatriation of people displaced by the war is the first step in the reconstruction of the country.

Ben Stein once remarked that the first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want.

The government has agreed to delay the legislation, albeit only temporarily, but it is a positive first step nonetheless.

The sequence of physical development in humans, from lifting the head to taking one’s first steps, is a stable, orderly and predictable process.

Those two are blindly enraptured with each other right now but they say first meeting someone is the first step toward goodbye.

I wonder if they’re aware of that.

Philosopher Denis Diderot once remarked that what has not been examined impartially has not been well examined.

Skepticism is therefore the first step toward truth.

If you study new vocabulary as it appears in a sentence, you can often deduce what part of speech the word is, which is a first step towards helping you deduce the meaning.

Negotiate, don’t litigate is always the best first step, Caruso says.

He is a stranger in a new land, taking his first steps of a new life.

Perry’s family said he learned to swim before he took his first steps.

The first step is more openness and transparency about mental illness.

Financially, logistically and creatively, it’s our natural first step.”

A crucial first step is to develop your short term and long term goals.

I think it’s a good first step, said Sorensen of the new federal rules.

Winning the elections is only the first step for the NLD to take power.

The first step is a face-to-face interview with departmental officials.

Well, first step is to avoid those supermarket ready meals at all costs.

These advances are the first step in building the factory of the future.

144946 But you’ve got to take that first step — and turn the first page.

You can do this in bulk, which is a first step towards commercialization.

SoftBank envisions Pepper as a first step in spreading robotics worldwide.

But he suggested there was still time to wait before taking the first step.

Today is the first step in taking action on our commitment to Door County.”

The first step is me alone in front of a white piece of paper, says Darroze.

“With Astoria and Islandwood, the first step must be taken by the developer.

“When you talk to someone, the first step is ‘You know they’re Canadian, eh?’

“The most important first step is to have that frank conversation,” Leahy says.

Getting certified is only the first step in becoming a practicing yoga teacher.

The first step of the investigation is to describe more precisely what happened.”

Enrolling all those millions of formerly uninsured people is just the first step.

“These survey results underpin how investing in analytics is just the first step.

Filing a class action lawsuit is a first step in the litigation of alleged claiMs.
It is considered one of the first steps into the military special operations field.

That’s why Ruscher said getting a car seat is the first step in the right direction.