furniture in a sentence

A lot of people didn’t even really think I was funny before that.”

“A lot of traffic on the road, and it’s funny, out of all that only two people stopped,” Rice said.

A lot of funny photoshopped pictures.

Amelia Quattrociocchi says: Isn’t it funny that when I try to post a comment it says’excess token expired!

And I said, “It’s quite funny your line about children being terrible and selfish and intolerable.

And it was incredibly funny every time.”

As funny as it is macabre, Dateline: Macbeth goes TV mysteries one better.

As funny as it is touching, Quick’s latest effort is on par with Silver Linings.

“As funny as that sketch was, and as many accolades as he got for it, it’s one of the things that killed him.

Both of them are so funny and quirky and charming.”

Brilliantly funny comedian actor and wonderful painter.

But don’t let him run a fucking city, just because he’s funny.”

But the reason I bring that fraudulence up at all is that Urlacher doesn’t seem to have that funny bone.

“Edgy, raunchy and hopefully, funny as all hell.

Funny you chastise Scalia for having a..

He has all the skills and abilities to be funny and to write funny, but he also is a leader, a very nice guy.”

He was a funny, elegant, generous and brilliant man,”” she said of her father.”

He was funny, informative, controversial, provocative, revealing, genuine and, above all, awe-inspiring.

“He was funny, silly,” his father, Michael Brown Sr., recently said.

“He was funny, sweet, always laughing.”

He was a funny guy, but he was a roller-coaster too.”

His grim authoritarian vibe is always, always funny.

“I cut my grass just the other day and I thought it was funny that he hadn’t come out to mow.

How will he measure the success of the Muslim Funny Fest?

I don’t think she thought it was funny, but I thought it was really funny.

I also got a lot of this: Funny is funny.”””

If anything, it was intriguing and, at times, quite funny.

I found it funny but I thought it was a bit extreme.

I’ll treasure our lengthy, funny, passionate discussions.

I said, ‘No, I gotta be funny.’

It brings me comfort in a funny sort of way: it says that life has to go on.

I thought it was funny,”” he said.”

It is slow and so by the time you want to say something funny, the moment’s gone,”” Martin says.”

It’s funny how much personality these babies have.”””

It’s intimate, funny, and a great time to bask in an art form that is rarely gets the spotlight it deserves.

It’s a gift of a part because the lines are so funny and there’s a lot of physical theatre,”” she said.”

It’s so funny because people have described us as this pop band when grunge was starting to happen in Seattle.

Its so funny to watch ghetto women screaming on their phone.

It’s funny, you know,”” Goodale said.”

I was delighted to find bags of heritage dry beans, with funny names such as mung, adzuki and orca.

Lena’s just trying to make a funny show, make some political points and express herself.”

Looking back, the situation was pretty funny.

No trees get wasted, and nobody besides the dea gets upset Funny one here.

No, wait – that’s not funny at all.

She shares funny and personal stories that show the highs and lows of trying to embrace the outdoor life.

She was done being just the outgoing, funny girl.

She was bright, sharp, generous and fiercely funny.

Some people think I’m funny and some people don’t.”

So no, I don’t think it’s funny to joke and make light of something that kills more people than car accidents.

Sounds pretty funny but that’s what it is all about.”

The gag just isn’t as funny the second, third, and 100th time around, and it wasn’t that funny to begin with.

Then Michelle remembered her husband’s funny-looking feet.

There’s only one genuinely funny scene in ‘Tammy,’ and of course it’s the first.”””

“There was a funny moment when her son told the paramedics: ‘If you wake her up, you are taking her with you.’

These were funny and flippant, like Cindy Sherman by way of Lena Dunham.

They may seem funny, or small to the outsider, but to the victim they are not.

Thing is, the movie is rarely funny.

This oft-maligned comedy is knee-slapping funny.

Tonight in Prime Time TV listings powered by Zap2it ‘Now That’s Funny!

What if he thought, ‘He’s not as funny as I thought he was?'”

Whats funny about the charges to begin with is they are always recording you with out your permission.

What’s your favorite funny travel book?

You know, I have to say, Seth, I no longer think he is funny,”” Clinton said, according to NBC News.”

Diaa Hadid, a longtime colleague, described Camilli as warm and funny.

Stevens laughs but she knows her situation is anything but funny.

‘ The show Sunday brought a mix of funny and serious moments.

Then she added: OK, that quote is going to be kind of funny in the papers.

@Debbie D It was not meant to be funny.

@Les Kandor How you find this funny is beyond me.

@mindykaling is smart, well-read, and funny, and having her here would raise PEI’s badassitude considerably!

@tigress Funny, I just reread the story, it’s not there.

@Zebrafish I find it funny how they have to get former members of WACOPS to support their cause.

“At first, we thought this would be a pretty funny and dangerous game,” designer Mike Lacher told Wired.

“Bill Cosby isn’t a joke to us, he’s not funny.

“Confidence is a funny thing,” Hansen, 28, said.

“He was actually a funny guy, an entertainer, at the start,” Klitschko told German magazine Sport Bild this week.

“He was kind, loving, funny, but never in one place for long, which meant that we weren’t, either.”

“He was really funny and nice on the phone,” McConnell said.

“He was really funny and really outgoing.

“I did not think this was funny at all.”

“I thought that was pretty funny coming from my mom.”

“If something is not working over and over, you can’t delude yourself that it’s funny,” he said.

“If this thing flops,” warns Andre’s agent (a very funny Kevin Hart), “we could be talking ‘Dancing with the Stars.’

“It was funny for us to imagine what we would fight about,” Wells said.

“It’s funny and it still stands to this day, with all the jokes and timing and the way it was made.

“It’s funny because I am definitely out there.

“It’s funny, man, because we know Sherm.

“It’s funny,” the Notre Dame guard said during the NFL Scouting Combine.

“One of the greatest actors of a generation and a sweet, funny & humble man,” actor Ricky Gervais tweeted.

“That’s what a stand-up comic should always be first – funny,” Maher said.

“The trick for women’s longevity on television is that you’ve got to be clever, versatile, funny and thin.

“Their responses were funny, direct, and showed how HIV stigma can make them feel and how it should be dealt with.”

“When I was in the hospital, it was kind of funny, because I had no idea of the circumstances,” Tinsman said.

“Whether it’s in semis or in the finals, if you lose, you lose at one point or another, and that’s not funny.

A funny thing happened when Holton showed up, though.

A new trailer for Birdman was just released, and it revels in the dark, funny, and surreal.

A Venezuelan doctor thought it might be funny to crack a joke about a bomb in his luggage.

Aaron14 5pts @redmch91 @John4 @twwoup Jokes usually mean they are funny.

According to Ensign, Hoffman was warm-hearted, honest, smart, and funny.

Actually, that’s a funny story, she laughs.

Additionally, the burlesque performances can be quite funny.

Almost too witty for her own good. 7. She is really funny.

Also, people look at you funny when you talk to your watch.

Also, this happened: “For example, this one might seem funny.

Alternately moving, irritating and laugh-out-loud funny.

America’s sweetheart or the funny bald guy with the accent?

And for me, they stopped being funny or entertaining.

And he tells some interesting and funny stories.

And if I’d have said that in England, that’s funny.

And she said, “Well, yeah, but mostly really funny.”

And the funny thing was, I’ve seen him every week, he never said anything, it was like ‘oh well another day.’

And then we spend the next eight or nine hours trying to take that thing and turn it into something funny.”

And they all thought it was funny and they posed for me.

And we thought that was almost funny, except of course we got blacklisted by every pizza place in town.

And when his father calls for his mother, Stella, it’s a very funny Marlon Brando moment.

And, in 2012, she had the first Funny Car win of her career.

Andy Linn, as Captain Hook, defines what an evil comic villain should be – very evil and very funny.

Another favorite, according to Kim, was watching young children do funny or cute things to make him laugh.

Another student explains: “Kids like me who watch Badman’s stuff, think he’s funny, he’s normal, someone like us.

Armstrong’s blog was funny, with a carefully curated appearance of candor about herself and her child-rearing practices.

Asked at a Senate hearing about the remark, Comey said that he was trying to be serious and funny at the same time.

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