51- The school also aimed to prepare African American teachers.

52- He is shown to have grey/black hair and is African American.

53- Marshall was the first African American justice on the court.

54- This campaign basis created large dissent to African Americans.

55- 43,960 African Americans composed 6.4 % of the total population.

56- Membership is exclusive to African Americans, Hearn (2007-01-23).

57- The year 1864 was especially eventful for African American troops.

58- Shapiro, Thomas M. 2004. The Hidden Cost of Being African American.

59- He was possibly the first African American collector of African art.

60- African American Women in Congress Forming and Transforming History.

61- Jesus was portrayed, in this rendition, by an African American woman.

62- The riots reinforced hatred toward African Americans and to the state.

63- Temples for Tomorrow An Online Project in African American Literature.

64- A minority population of African American residents inhabit the county.

65- The show was the first variety show hosted by an African American family.

66- African Americans and high blood pressure: the role of stereotype threat.

67- African Americans were overall 35% more likely to sustain a violent crime.

68- The 1860 Census found just over 25,000 free African Americans in the state.

69- In the Northern states, the revolutionary spirit did help African Americans.

70- The Real McCoy: The Life of an African American Inventor (A Blue Ribbon Book).

71- The likelihood of being murdered was drastically higher for African Americans.

72- It also discussed the deaths of many gang members and African American citizens.

73- In essence, Roosevelt believed African Americans were inferior to White Americans.

74- Named after William Nelson, the first African American president of the university.

75- African Americans are responsible for the gap between whites and blacks in America.

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