1- My grandmother has Alzheimer's Disease, and loses her memory a lot.

2- People with Alzheimer's disease often have difficulty retaining new information given to them for more than a brief period.

3- Their grandmother's behavior changed radically once she was put on medication for Alzheimer's disease.

4- Alzheimer's disease was less likely given his age.

5- He had suffered from Alzheimer's disease for many years.

6- He had been suffering from Lewy body disease, the most common type of progressive dementia after Alzheimer's.

7- He is recognized as an expert in the area of Alzheimer's disease and other illnesses affecting the elderly.

8- It also lowers the risk for dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

9- It's possible these are also beneficial at slowing or preventing Alzheimer's or related dementia.

10- Now, he's taking care of his older brother who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's.

11- Sandy Halperin, who was diagnosed with early stage Alzheimer's at age 60, is trying to change that.

12- Suarez had been suffering from Alzheimer's disease for a decade.

13- Stroke, Alzheimer's and heart disease are more common among those who are short, earlier studies have shown.

14- 'Alzheimer's is a devastating condition,' La Croix says.

15- 'She's the reason I'm a strong advocate for the Alzheimer's Association.'

16- A new report suggests older women bear the brunt of Alzheimer's disease.

17- A year ago, Walsh's 83-year-old mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, and she died recently.

18- According to the World Alzheimer Report 2015 the number of sufferers will have risen three-fold by 2050.

19- Add More Videos or Photos You've contributed successfully to: Glen Campbell moves to Alzheimer's facility Thanks!

20- All the other films we had seen about people with Alzheimer's were dark, depressing and tough to get an audience for.

21- Alzheimer's accounts for 60 percent to 80 percent of dementia cases, according to the Alzheimer's Association.

22- Alzheimer's causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior, and it is fatal.

23- Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia.

24- Alzheimer's disease cannot be prevented, cured or delayed.

25- Alzheimer's has robbed Pat Summitt of many things, but not her competitive fire.

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