1- I am looking forward to the trip.

2- I am looking forward to Christmas.

3- I am looking forward to hearing from him.

4- I am looking forward to going to the zoo.

5- I am looking forward to the summer vacation.

6- I am looking forward to seeing you again soon.

7- I am looking forward to seeing you next Sunday.

8- I am looking forward to seeing the film with her.

9- I am looking forward to visiting Britain once again.

10- I am looking forward to receiving your favorable answer.

11- I am looking forward to walking around the Izu Peninsula with some of my friends during summer vacation.

12- He is looking forward to seeing you.

13- I am looking forward to hearing from him.

14- We are all looking forward to seeing you.

15- I am looking forward to going to the zoo.

16- She is looking forward to seeing him again.

17- I'm looking forward to going to the concert.

18- I am looking forward to the summer vacation.

19- She was looking forward to seeing him again.

20- I'm looking forward to your coming to Japan.

21- My daughter is looking forward to Christmas.

22- I'm looking forward to the return of spring.

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I am looking forward to in a sentence