51- In July of 1976, fourteen-year-old Romanian Nadia Comaneci stunned spectators when she scored perfect 10s in Olympic gymnastics.

52- In July 1975, Nicaragua's Sandinista rebel forces marched triumphantly into the capital city of Managua.

53- The most recent period for which data is available is between March and July.

54- In July 1997, the United Nations war crimes tribunal issued an international arrest warrant against Bosnian leader Radovan Karadzic for the crime of genocide.

55- In July of 1985, treasure hunters began removing $400 million in coins and silver from the ocean floor in the biggest underwater treasure hunt in history.

56- In July 1975, Nicaragua's Sandinista rebel forces marched triumphantly into the capital city of Managua.

57- July is the best time to harvest your garden herbs for use in the kitchen during the winter months.

58- I come here every Fourth of July.

59- In July of 1941, baseball great Joe DiMaggio's hitting streak came to an end at 56 games.

60- In July 2002, an American court found two former Salvadoran generals guilty of allowing the torture of civilians during El Salvador's civil war.

61- Peas sown in April can be harvested in July.

62- The United States conducted its first test of an experimental atomic bomb at 5:30 a.

63- m.

64- on July 16th, 1945.

65- Each year in July, when the Championships are over, he starts to prepare for the next year.

66- She was born at six a.

67- m.

68- on July .

69- About 1 million people can get access to the next version of Apple's OS X starting tomorrow (July 24).

70- According to WMO, the lowest temperature noted was -89.2 C, recorded on July 21, 1983 in Vostok, Antarctica.

71- Adams has been engaged to Le Gallo since July 2008.

72- After drinking on July 9, the couple began to fight.

73- Alyx was diagnosed with leukemia in July.

74- And as we have moved into July, it so far has been our experience that it has not continued at that level."

75- And the nation's future in the eurozone hinges precariously on a referendum Sunday, July 5, 2015.

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