51- In June of 1959, the St.

52- Lawrence Seaway, connecting the Great Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean, was opened by Queen Elizabeth II and American President Dwight Eisenhower.

53- We are to get married in June.

54- According to a recent survey, more Americans lose their virginity in June than in any other month.

55- World War Two hero General Charles De Gaulle became Prime Minister of France in June of 1958.

56- We have a lot of rain in June.

57- The Prime Minister has asked the Queen to dissolve Parliament in preparation for an election on June 12th.

58- Activists are working hard to ensure that environmental issues are high on the agenda at the international summit in June.

59- My daughter is to get married in June.

60- The total solar eclipse can be observed next year on June nd.

61- In June of 1938, the American government enacted its first minimum wage, 25 cents an hour.

62- The next meeting will be on the tenth of June.

63- The yearold Ryouichi Kawakatsu took over as coach at Fukuoka in June this year, but his fate is closely linked with that of yearold Matsuda.

64- On June 4, 1938 following numerous international interventions, the Nazis allowed Sigmund Freud to emigrate to London with his wife and daughter.

65- George II was the last British King to lead his troops into battle, in June of 1743.

66- Efforts at economic reform in the Republic of the Congo came to a halt in June 1997 when civil war erupted.

67- Mail was transported by jet plane for the first time in June of 1946.

68- In June of 1994, football star O.

69- J.

70- Simpson's wife and her lover were slashed to death outside the Simpson home in Los Angeles.

71- I was born on the twentysecond of June in .

72- By the way, today is the th of June - my wife's birthday.

73- My sister is having a baby in June.

74- Every June, thousands of New Age sun worshippers flock to Stonehenge for the summer solstice.

75- They are leaving in three days, that is to say June th.

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