26- In March of 1995, 182 countries attended a United Nations social summit, where they pledged to take action to wipe out global poverty.

27- In 1917, 50,000 British and Indian troops Marched into Baghdad, capturing 9,000 Turkish prisoners.

28- In March 1998, the elected government of Sierra Leone was restored to power, replacing the military regime which had taken control in a coup in the previous year.

29- I am very sorry that I have to ask you to change the meeting date to March due to personal reasons.

30- It took them days to March through the tangled jungle of the Amazon to the camp.

31- In March of 1995, boxing champion Mike Tyson was freed from prison three years after his conviction for the rape of a teenage beauty queen.

32- On March 15, 44 B.

33- C.

34- , a group of men led by Brutus and Cassius stabbed Julius Caesar to death.

35- In March of 1995, the only Nigerian military ruler to have voluntarily handed over power to elected civilians was arrested.

36- In March 1992, an independent Kyrgyzstan gained a seat as a full member of the United Nations.

37- In March of 1996, Lee Teng-hui was sworn in as Taiwan's first democratically-elected President.

38- Someone once noted that civilized man has Marched across the face of the earth and left a desert in his footprints.

39- In March of 1987, a boat carrying a 3,100-ton pile of rotting garbage left New York to look for a landfill willing to take its contents.

40- No one would accept it.

41- On March 16, 1985, kidnapped American journalist Terry Anderson was released after 2,454 days in captivity in Beirut.

42- In March of 1965, pictures taken on the surface of the moon were broadcast live on TV for the first time.

43- Plum blossoms come out in March.

44- The new bridge will have been completed by March.

45- Indian elephants often March through the jungle in a line.

46- In March of 1848, Niagara Falls ceased flowing for the first time in recorded history, when an ice jam in the Niagara River caused the water to stop moving.

47- In March of 1960, almost 70 people were killed, and more than 180 wounded when police fired on a peaceful black demonstration in Sharpeville, South Africa.

48- In March of 1933, the government of Germany ordered a boycott of businesses belonging to Jewish people.

49- In the Middle Ages, English soldiers believed that an army attacking a castle could invoke supernatural forces to their aid if they Marched counter-clockwise around the castle walls.

50- John Ruskin once stated that great nations write their autobiographies in three manuscripts, the book of their deeds, the book of their words and the book of their art.

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