1- Nelson Rockefeller once stated that government has an obligation not to inhibit the collection and dissemination of news.

2- In 1805, British naval hero Lord Horatio Nelson was mortally wounded in the hour of victory over the French fleet at Trafalgar.

3- South Africa's repressive racial policies finally came to an end with the election of Nelson Mandela as President.

4- Nelson's column in Trafalgar Square is a popular tourist attraction in London.

5- Nelson Mandela spent his life fighting for justice against the apartheid system of South Africa.

6- Nelson Mandela once stated, "The soil of our country is destined to be the scene of the fiercest fight, and the sharpest struggles to rid our continent of the last vestiges of white minority rule.

7- "In March of 1966, the Nelson Column in Dublin was destroyed in an Irish Republican Army bomb explosion.

8- combatNelson Mandela never swerved in his determination to build a just society in South Africa.

9- Nelson Mandela once observed that only free men can negotiate.

10- Prisoners cannot enter into contracts.

11- Nelson Mandela spent 18 years in jail before finally being released, and subsequently elected as President of South Africa.

12- We took the underground to Trafalgar Square to see Nelson's Monument.

13- Nelson Mandela and his wife Graca Machel recently had honorary degrees conferred on them by Ryerson University in Toronto.

14- Nelson Mandela once said stated that a good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination.

15- Thousands of school children crowded into a sports stadium to hear Nelson Mandela speak when he came here.

16- Nelson Mandela has said that overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity, it is an act of justice.

17- During the whole of the 1950s, Nelson Mandela was the victim of various forms of repression, including being banned, arrested and imprisoned.

18- In November 2001, Nelson Mandela was made an honorary citizen of Canada.

19- He is being Nelson tonight.

20- Nelson Mandela and F.

21- W.

22- DeKlerk worked hard to ensure a peaceful transition to majority rule in South Africa.

23- Nelson Mandela's dedication to the cause of freedom in South Africa eventually led him from jail to the presidency of his country.

24- Nelson Mandela smashed rocks in a prison quarry for 18 years before becoming President of South Africa.

25- Nelson's comments were not really relevant to the discussion.

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