26- My grandmother was very old, but she had quite liberal ideas.

27- For example, she thought it was a good idea for young people to live together before getting married.

28- He has hit upon a good idea.

29- He suddenly hit on a good idea while he was taking a bath.

30- I think it's a good idea to spend some time apart so you can see each other differently.

31- I think I was being a bit hasty when I told you I wasn't interested in the job because now I think it might be a good idea.

32- It is a good idea asking him for help.

33- It's a good idea to cover up when the sun is this strong.

34- She hit upon a good idea.

35- a good idea suddenly struck her.

36- It's probably a good idea for us to speak in English, so he'll be able to understand.

37- a good idea struck her.

38- Before backing up your car, it is a good idea to give a warning tap on your horn if visibility is limited.

39- When my boss told me I was fired, my first impulse was to punch him, but I quickly decided that it wouldn't be a good idea.

40- I have a good idea in my mind.

41- When I was having a bath, a good idea came to me.

42- a good idea presented itself.

43- I hit on a good idea.

44- a good idea occurred to me just then.

45- I had a good idea.

46- Reading the diary of someone who lived hundreds of years ago gives us a good idea of how people lived at that time.

47- a good idea struck me.

48- a good idea came across his mind at the last moment.

49- a good idea suddenly struck me.

50- W.

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