1- a third-person narrator works wells for stories in which the viewpoints of many characters is important.

2- She has fallen so low as to sing at a thirdrate night club.

3- Frank Kender once said, "Perception.

4- Desire.

5- Both are important, but they go nowhere without a third component of creativity - Hard Work.

6- "In February of 1920, Adolf Hitler, spokesman for an extremist political group in Germany, outlined the organization's program to create a third German Reich.

7- In February of 1920, Adolf Hitler, spokesman for an extremist political group in Germany, outlined the organization's program to create a third German Reich.

8- sponsorA Congolese proverb notes, "Two birds disputed about a seed, when a third swooped down, and carried it off.

9- "Two men held the vampire down while a third drove a silver spike into its heart.

10- My husband has two older brothers.

11- (That's right, I'm a thirdson's wife)The human heart has so much muscle that it can continue pumping even if a third of its muscle mass is destroyed.

12- Modern mills worldwide produce a third of a billion tons of paper every year.

13- An insect exerts so much energy in an hour of flying that it can lose as much as a third of its total body weight.

14- Sort the laundry by color, whites in one pile, dark colors in another, and light colors in a third.

15- She tried a third time.

16- The agricultural sector provides most of Tunisia's own food, and employs a third of the workforce.

17- He is a third party to the accident.

18- I wonder if a third world war will break out.

19- We always travel standard class on the train.

20- It's not quite as comfortable as first class, but it costs about a third less.

21- Alistair Cooke once observed that between a quarter and a third of the Los Angeles land area is now monopolized by the automobile and its needs - by freeways, highways, garages, gas stations, car lots, parking lots.

22- Medicaid, a program originally created to provide medical care for povertylevel women and children, today spends almost a third of its budget on elderly people.

23- bmorselloAda County Sheriff's deputies started investigating Kershner after being contacted by a third party.

24- A group of people wanted to start a third party, the Mountain Party.

25- And it has gone down to become a third world kind of country in its rating of income per capita and its GDP.

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