1- The aborigines of Australia had an elaborate ritual life, supported by the world's simplest known material technologies.

2- The aborigines of Australia managed and shaped their natural resources for over 40,000 years without ever resorting to farming.

3- The Binjareb tribe had a reputation with other local Aboriginal tribes for their aggression and attacks on other aborigines and settlers.

4- It does seem that feeling threatened by such an overwhelmingly large group, the Marines fired upon the aborigines in an unprovoked attack.

5- Beginning in 1998, the official curriculum in Taiwan schools has been changed to contain more frequent and favorable mention of aborigines.

6- This resistance first took shape in 1824 when it has been estimated by Lyndall Ryan that 1000 aborigines remained in the settled districts.

7- In York, Barrow resigns as Portector of the aborigines to be replaced by R. H. Bland, who took a very punitive attitude to the local Balardong.

8- The total population of aborigines on Taiwan is around 458,000 as of January 2006, (CIP 2006) which is approximately 2% of Taiwan's population.

9- Plains aborigines were often employed and dispatched as interpreters to assist in the trade of goods between Han merchants and highlands aborigines.

10- In the modern context, an aborigine cannot relate, or paint someone else's dreaming or creation story without prior permission of the Dreaming owner.

11- , adding It's a system designed to profit non-aborigines while nothing gets done.

12- Karumba was used by the local aborigines to describe the place.

13- The aborigines of Australia had an elaborate ritual life, supported by the world's simplest known material technologies.

14- The aborigines of Australia managed and shaped their natural resources for over 40,000 years without ever resorting to farming.

15- The aborigines of Australia had an elaborate ritual life, supported by the world's simplest known material technologies.

16- There are also 25,943 aborigines who are currently not classified in any group.

17- Subincision of the penis among Australian aborigines".

18- They are of importance to modern aborigines and are still in use.

19- Wave Rock has cultural significance to aborigines who?

20- John King survived the expedition with the assistance of friendly aborigines.

21- Tasmania was first inhabited by the Tasmanian aborigines.

22- The Ball Game Played by the aborigines of the Antilles.

23- Mary is shocked and the aborigine looks at her face.

24- Ryan p.38 Military historian Peter Stanley claims at least fifty aborigines were killed.

25- The aborigines learn too late that 'the white men' are also human being and not spirits.

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