1- How have abortionists cut chemical abortion costs ?

2- The professional abortionist was a last resort.

3- Some male abortionists insisted on having sexual relations before the abortion.

4- One might assume this menace abortionist is off the streets .

5- A doctor known for having an illegal abortionist business.

6- The three abortionists reported 397 abortions 146 days late.

7- Aging abortionists are retiring and not being replaced .

8- abortionists emphasized speed and their own protection.

9- She was shocked he was an abortionist .

10- The abortionists shed the blood of the innocent.

11- We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable.

12- The disregard of abortionists for matters of conscience knows no bounds.

13- There were, there's always been the illegal er abortionist .

14- So, does this make God a cosmic abortionist ?

15- abortionists often claim to hate abortion but love the money behind it.

16- Our mothers and babies are being slaughtered at the hands of abortionists .

17- Other abortionists may allow the woman to deliver on a delivery table.

18- We are not and the abortionists know it.

19- Public opinion will not be swayed against abortion by the killing abortionists .

20- Some abortionists were rough and sadistic.

21- The abortionists want their deeds to go unseen, unnoticed and unchallenged.

22- In the name of right to life, we have killed abortionists .

23- Many choose to condemn abortionists , along with those who procure an abortion.

24- Finally, the abortionist extracts the dead baby either intact or in parts.

25- Poor, noble, suffering abortionists .

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