1- Resort areas abound in tourists.

2- Regional folk musical styles abound in Bulgaria.

3- Task Management Software Task management software tools abound in the marketplace.

4- Cash crops such as citrus, tobacco and timber also abound in the State.

5- The Neyyar reservoir and nearby areas abound in wild life.

6- However, the people felt discontented in Palsabangon because the place abounds in wild crocodiles that from time to time disturbed them.

7- She abounds in good will.

8- Mel Brooks once remarked that life literally abounds in comedy if you just look around you.

9- Fish abounds in the ocean. wreka

10- The novel abounds in somewhat Nietzschean themes.

11- Discontent abounds in the world.

12- 186256 Wildlife abounds including one of the larger populations of wintering bald eagles in Wisconsin. 5.1752

13- Several parks abound including Essenhout Park and Hy Many Park.

14- The sword of the spirit, the word of God, must abound in your mouths and hearts.

15- There are not many countries in the world that abound in natural resources.

16- Local wildlife abound in the park and surrounding area, including fox, turkey, and deer.

17- The small Victorian terraces and cottages which abound in Cremorne were snapped up in a renovation boom.

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