1- The result is absorbing and highly readable.

2- The body is very efficient at absorbing amino acids.

3- A blue pigment is capable of absorbing yellow light.

4- A solar thermal collector collects heat by absorbing sunlight.

5- A totally absorbing hobby may work wonders.

6- You are correct about powerful countries absorbing less powerful ones.

7- What toxic chemicals is your body absorbing ?

8- Both are capable of absorbing incredible punishment.

9- Many patients with lupus have difficulty absorbing sufficient protein.

10- Earlier the large crowd witnessed an absorbing veterans race.

11- Your body is not absorbing the nutrients.

12- Animated image of molecule absorbing and emitting radiation.

13- The state has wonderful museums and absorbing history found in books.

14- The organization proved incapable of absorbing this ambitious program.

15- The plot manages to be convoluted without ever becoming absorbing ".

16- The absorbing of those rays is the inverse process.

17- The company continued absorbing smaller competitors for the next 40 years.

18- Yet absorbing this gas takes its toll .

19- Our brains are less effective at absorbing new information without sleep .

20- It is absorbing the total force as dew.

21- I spent much of 2011 searching and absorbing information.

22- Contractors are absorbing rising materials prices in their margins.

23- The ice is absorbing a lot of heat energy.

24- This final day's play was utterly absorbing .

25- She ate without hunger, absorbing instead the music.

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