1- Dent's band is a wild amalgam of personalities.

2- He then adds a shiny lump of a zinc-mercury amalgam and begins to shake the concoction violently.

3- It is an amalgam of teacher, students, and the moment.

4- This piece falls off the amalgam, freeing the coyote.

5- UC Review staffer upstarts Amalgam Comics & Coffeehouse Amalgam Comics & Coffeehouse from MoolaHoop on Vimeo.

6- 2 (19) (November 1990), Marvel Comics Amalgam In the world of Amalgam, the company is known as Stark Aircrafts.

7- Amalgam: Its history and perils. because the amalgam contains mercury.

8- Dark Claw: The Murder Gag: The only known Graphic Novel to exist in Amalgam Comics continuity.

9- He activated Captain Steven Harris as an agent of Amalgam aboard the ship the Pacific Chrysalis.

10- Hesiod's myth of Pandora's jar, then, could be an amalgam of many variant early myths.

11- However most portrayals depict a mismatched amalgam of different groups and traditions.

12- Medium Pressure lamps are approximately 12% efficient, whilst Amalgam low pressure lamps can be up to 40% efficient.

13- Mr. Gold Very little is known about this mysterious character as of yet, but it is assumed he is the leader of Amalgam.

14- The temperature of the amalgam is determined to a great extent by lamp power.

15- The Mizo community is an amalgam of several indigenous tribes who have unique identities and distinctive dialects.

16- This was recognized as a shortcoming by early practitioners such as Baldwin Baldwin H. Cement and amalgam fillings.

17- John Podhoretz described it as compulsively readable" and a "commanding amalgam of history, sociology and polemic.

18- 973356 ;Amalgam Willard-Walters aka The Professors: Two bitter rivals whose minds have been merged into one body. 39.0143

19- Teaching of amalgam techniques to dental students is declining in some schools in favor of composite resin, Lynch CD et al.

20- " Shields, 2007, p. 274. Increasingly, the party's program became an uneasy amalgam of free market and welfarist policies. 69.0148

21- 792289 The ball of amalgam will grow hard, like a pellet of white earth, and the little tree will be bright silver in color. 13.4939

22- She added Fromm's 'humanistic psychoanalysis' to complete the amalgam that she fashioned into her version of interpersonal psychoanalysis.

23- Though the film is said to be based on a real story, Hudgens' character is actually an amalgam of several young women.

24- This resulted in the final unfixed image on the plate, which consisted of light and dark areas of grey amalgam on the plate.

25- In essence, the game is an amalgam of western CRPG and JRPG traits, with very little storyline, and mostly non-linear gameplay.

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