1- I'm amazed by the number of people who think that the U.S. is bigger than Canada.

2- The victims of the fire were amazed by the generosity of people they had never even met before, in giving them clothing, furniture and household items to replace those lost in the blaze.

3- I was amazed by her quick response.

4- I'm amazed by the rate at which industries grow.

5- Derek Johnson's parents and siblings said they were amazed by the showing at his funeral.

6- I am always amazed by their beauty when I see them, he said.

7- I am amazed by the bond that exists between the people here, the sense of community.

8- I was just amazed by people's generosity, said Cindy.

9- Seaquist said he was amazed by Caldier's high-tech car, which was parked in front of his.

10- She was amazed by the composure of the people sent out to examine the plane.

11- Early European visitors were amazed by the quality of Japanese craftsmanship and metalsmithing.

12- Homer discovers her in a redneck bar in the middle of nowhere and is amazed by her voice.

13- Lloyd told People magazine he continues to be amazed by the film's popularity.

14- The British are as amazed by Corbyn's popularity as the world is by Trump's.

15- The young Niemeyer was amazed by the development process of the photographic picture and chose to be trained as a photographer.

16- The Crone, amazed by Wyatt's incredible and destructible abilities, is vanquished by the Charmed Ones, who gain their senses back.

17- They refused and Magneto slaughtered two of them in a few seconds, buying Domina's (who was amazed by his might) obedience as a result.

18- The nameless young woman had never seen a man before and is amazed by the difference in his looks from other living beings she has seen.

19- Spectators will be amazed by the precision and showmanship that even the youngest competitors display in their dancing.

20- As the mommy wars rage on, I am constantly perplexed and amazed by how little slack we cut each other as women, she wrote.

21- ' And the brunette beauty is a fan of her fiance's work, and is always amazed by how ''modest'' he is about what he has achieved.

22- 931775 Wildlife experts in Buffalo, N.Y., have been amazed by an unusual springtime friendship between a deer and a nesting goose.

23- I'm always amazed by the capacity for people to blame the victim when the victim is part of a designated group they do not agree with.

24- Even Creighton coach Greg McDermott was amazed by the performance, admitting that his team executed offensively about as perfectly as he's ever seen.

25- The bowlers from predominantly Muslim countries not only were amazed by Merhavy's performance, they were angered and frightened.

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