1- I blinked in amazement at the unexpected development.

2- Christopher Fry once said that poetry is the language in which man explores his own amazement.

3- She looked stupefied in amazement.

4- The little boy let go of his balloon, and then watched in amazement as it sailed up into the sky.

5- They stared at her swimming suit in amazement.

6- She gasped in amazement when she realized she had won the lottery.

7- Christopher Fry once said that poetry is the language in which man explores his own amazement.

8- To his amazement, the door opened all by itself.

9- To my amazement she came first.

10- He stood rooted to the spot in amazement.

11- The little boy stared in amazement at the toy robot as it walked across the kitchen floor.

12- 'It started out as my own amazement and then it turned into something that became ingrained in me.

13- I've brought you to the best area,"" he laughs, as gawky young waiters stare at him in amazement."

14- Then she couldn't stop staring in amazement at him."

15- There has been amazement that the field still stands at fourteen (or sixteen, if you count broadly).

16- And I just read it in amazement - it was beautiful.

17- Crowds gazed up in amazement as the nets first roared overhead at noon today over The Leas in Folkestone.

18- I just began to turn and leave when I spotted one more amazement.

19- I remember many late nights with my brother, Josh, and watching him play in amazement.

20- I watch in amazement how people spend every available second texting, messaging and playing games.

21- It is good that we provide them with some amazement in an otherwise labored life.'

22- Of course, he did land and would eventually take off in the same storm at the amazement of the controllers.

23- Onlookers began to cheer and then express amazement over Mosby's announcement, which few expected so quickly.

24- When I speak to my friends of other ethnicities, they're often confused on why his running was such an amazement.

25- When you walk around the five stories, you should get a shock of amazement in every room.

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