1- Children are amazingly energetic, they can play for hours without getting tired.

2- My mom was an amazingly resourceful person who could make almost anything we kids needed while we were growing up.

3- The day Sophie was born she was amazingly alert and aware of everything around her.

4- Despite its large size, the grizzly bear is amazingly fast, reaching speeds of over 35 miles per hour.

5- amazingly, no one was hurt in the accident in which a car hit a school bus full of children.

6- The witness gave an amazingly accurate description of the criminal - she even knew his eye color!Sales are amazingly brisk.

7- Butterfly wings are amazingly fragile, yet also incredibly strong, thin as tissue, these wings carry the butterfly on flights of thousands of miles.

8- The witness gave an amazingly accurate description of the criminal - she even knew his eye color!All of your donations have been amazingly helpful and we have been working tirelessly to find a cure.'

9- He had an amazingly gigantic soul,"" he told CNN."

10- We aren't letting the gray skies interrupt a good mood because this run of amazingly mild weather continues.

11- 'It was really tough because it was amazingly profitable.'

12- 'There are a million ways to shout from the rooftops but amazingly no good ways to share privately,' he says.

13- After the launch, Musk said the soft landing went amazingly well.

14- amazingly enough, Dre is not the richest man in hip-hop; that honor goes to Diddy, who clocks in at $735 million.

15- amazingly she forgave him and asked him if he could stay.

16- amazingly the 3rd Ironman movie was better then the 2nd, which isn't bad if you miss the first half hour.

17- amazingly well-written and dripping atmosphere, this is a standout title you need to play.

18- amazingly, Darling, to his credit, has come through the experience without becoming bitter.

19- amazingly, Hanks says he uses a manual typewriter almost every day.

20- amazingly, its contents remained in place for two decades.

21- amazingly, no two figures are exactly alike.

22- amazingly, on the first try, the technique worked.

23- amazingly, the letters were returned 40 years later by a fellow veteran.

24- amazingly, the other woman told her daughter that the boy was actually the "devil's child," Possi's mother recalled.

25- amazingly, the Poke function is still active on Facebook.

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