1- He will take up his ambassadorial duties at the embassy in a month or so.

2- A restoration of ambassadorial representation - on hold after a deadly Israeli naval raid in 2010 - is envisaged.

3- He has chosen fewer career diplomats for ambassadorial postings than his recent predecessors.

4- On February 15, 1956, the two countries upgraded diplomatic relations from ministerial to ambassadorial level and exchanged ambassadors.

5- Primus also agreed to take on an ambassadorial and advisory role to help guide emerging talent at Portsmouth, as well as a playing role.

6- " Sinclair clears him to dock as the first Soul Hunter sneaks into the ambassadorial section and kidnaps Delenn from her quarters. 36.8107

7- He left Berlin on the ambassadorial train in August, 1914, abandoning most of his possessions and returning only after the war.

8- Even in 1930, long before rising to ambassadorial rank, he entertained lavishly.

9- He will take up his ambassadorial duties at the embassy in a month or so.

10- As chairman, his main role would be ambassadorial,[] in particular defending the interests of France's largest business district in a race against London to attract blue-chip companies.

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