1- The new Impala also has a roomier, airier ambience.

2- Corrugated metal surfaces and a three-sided fireplace add to the hip ambience.

3- The spa bed is comfy and ambience perfect.

4- With HomeKit, you have the option of creating multiple combinations to match whatever ambience you prefer.

5- Noisy ambience as a general condition In technical terms, operational environments are generally noisy.

6- On the brink of total abstraction, they are saturated with a pervasive ambience that glows with mystery.

7- The ambience at the college is conducive to the development of a holistic approach to environment design.

8- The ambience of the night is brightened by the vibrant surroundings and enchanting costumes.

9- The breathtaking backdrops for every auditorium event and the different structures set a beautiful ambience.

10- 'There's the sexy atmosphere and ambience which allows some off-festival encounters.'

11- These background noises are also called ambience or atmos ("atmosphere").

12- This approach is often not stable, when the wireless ambience is affected by metal or water masses.

13- Typical of these works is the use of the tremolo in the strings as a reference to the hallowed ambience of the requiem.

14- They have also given the lights new covers inside for a more pleasant ambience plus new car to car doors and new hand rails.

15- The plan was never realized although it transformed Bandung into a city of new European ambience, including its built environment.

16- Pubs within a chain will usually have items in common, such as fittings, promotions, ambience and range of food and drink on offer.

17- Best Culinary Experience - Recognizes the hotel restaurant that offers exemplary food, service, ambience, wine list and even views.

18- A for-here mug of drip coffee is only $1.00, which encourages patrons to hang out and take advantage of the ambience and free wi-fi.

19- Restoring the balance, fine food, & lifestyle is the key ingredient which inspired the creation and ambience of Red Earths lifestyle concept store.

20- "If you don't value customer service, range, store ambience, advice..

21- Bird Song is part of Mannheim Steamroller 's ambience collection.

22- ‘Direct' evidence for water (H2O) in the sunlit lunar ambience from CHACE on MIP of Chandrayaan I.

23- Also, he meticulously constructs lush, downtempo arrangements, blending digital beats and soothing ambience.

24- Which universities provide what they want in terms of course, cost, location and ambience?

25- The new wing with its harmonising fine materials and fabrics create a stylish ambience.30 Now, Kirov had suddenly injected a chilling air of despondency into that pleasant ambience.

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