1- 'My report came from France and there's no ambiguity here, they've changed the story.'

2- After some days of ambiguity they made clear that they haven't yet deployed them, he told Reuters.

3- Ankara is playing its cards shrouded in ambiguity.

4- But, at the same time, we kinda liked the ambiguity."

5- From the beginning, the study has been haunted by ambiguity.

6- He has see-sawed on the fulcrum of ambiguity far too long.

7- I think the industry really thrives in the ambiguity of the language, she said.

8- It is possible the ambiguity is intentional.

9- It's called the 'Land of ambiguity' that is office politics.

10- It's full of ambiguity and will take us back to the 'public peace and order' controls of World War Two.

11- Lin's work and Chakaia Booker's 'ANONYMOUS DONOR' offer the most ambiguity in an otherwise didactic show.

12- Often fraught with ambiguity, trust matters tremendously in determining how to interpret these encounters.

13- Such ambiguity runs through Qatari policy.

14- The Russian approach to war leverages the threat of military escalation and strategic ambiguity to maximize initiative.

15- There is considerable ambiguity in the legislation.

16- There is still ambiguity in the minds of the people, whether this will exonerate them from prosecution, he said.

17- There's almost no ambiguity regarding the erotic nature of this painting.

18- This naturally creates a certain ambiguity.

19- This prevents ambiguity in the parsing of templates.

20- We'll breathe the ambiguity until the decision is made.

21- When asked if he misses going out, Wilson leaves little ambiguity to his feelings on people of different races.

22- Heinrich Von Kleist The ambiguity of Art and the Necessity of Form.

23- 452 (1994) Any ambiguity or equivocation will be ineffective.

24- Adding to the ambiguity is the fact the reveal comes from the mind of a clone whose memory had been altered.

25- Allen, p. 94. The Coens have noted their comfort with unresolved ambiguity.

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