1- If Apple Computers had planned their strategy a bit more ambitiously, they might have been able to capture the share of the market now held by Microsoft.

2- Again acting ambitiously, the AAFC chose stadiums larger than the NFL's in Chicago, New York, and Cleveland.

3- Her education was "ambitiously classical for a Victorian girl".

4- Oates calls the work a "ambitiously concerned, skillfully executed performance."

5- But instead of taking the easy out at first base, Bumgarner ambitiously tried to nail Washington's Ian Desmond at third.

6- The maker has been ambitiously pushing to grow in other markets, including China, now the world's largest automotive market.

7- If Apple Computers had planned their strategy a bit more ambitiously, they might have been able to capture the share of the market now held by Microsoft.

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