1- But it does so with unapologetic ambivalence.

2- Even so, ambivalence about weighing kids in schools prevails.

3- It is this growing German ambivalence between the national and European interest that makes this moment so pivotal.

4- 12), and the ambivalence of non-slaveholders toward secession, he maintains, was the key to understanding desertion.

5- However, the "bathhouse of the spirits has its own ambivalence, and its own darkness….

6- It is such a luxury to have something out there that is confounding ambivalence.

7- Kaymak echoed Karides' ambivalence, but suggested the problem was even more fundamental.

8- Mao Zedong 's ambivalence, first supporting one faction and then the other, has long puzzled scholars.

9- Monro, The ambivalence of Bernard Mandeville: Oxford, 1975. *L.

10- The costs of same-day delivery and ambivalence from many customers remain concerns, analysts say.

11- This ambivalence explains the differences in attitude in the Archipelago at the moment of the War of Independence.

12- Expanding on his debut album's theme of ambivalence and conflicted feelings toward fame, Neyfakh, Leon (November 15, 2011).

13- Fowokan's work is full of the ambivalence he sees in the deep-rooted spiritual and mental conflict between the African and the European.

14- ' Her ambivalence, which largely epitomizes Floyd County's reaction to Obamacare, contrasts with some outsized expectations.

15- The ambivalence of energy relations between Japan and Russia calls to mind the Euro-Russian interdependence on oil and gas trade.

16- This ambivalence about Jews occurred because their capital was indispensable while their business was viewed as disreputable.

17- In the second sub-stage, named oral-sadistic, the biting activity emerges and the phenomenon of ambivalence appears for the first time.

18- ambivalence can be viewed as conflict between positive and negative valence-carriers.

19- 388958 The suppressed part of this ambivalence (the hate parts) are projected onto others. 13.7746

20- This has been caused by long-standing ambivalence, and emergent aspect that influence psychoanalysis.

21- When Francis Hincks replaced Lafontaine as Premier in 1851, Cauchon's position was one of ambivalence.

22- Significantly others have reacted with ambivalence: That exercise on support really took the lid off things in our school.

23- With Dutchman William III on the British throne, there is ambivalence in the traditional rivalry with the Netherlands!

24- In James, it is civilized, social man negotiating and experiencing a world of irreducible ambivalence and complexity.

25- In particular, regulatory control is characterized by an ambivalence which has both political and moral dimensions.

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