1- This flow is quite unfair to the service and Sir E. Phipps rightly complained of these ambulant amateurs.

2- These provide over 300 spaces to accommodate wheelchair users and ambulant disabled, together with their carers.

3- The actual conception for what I still call "Somnambulant Adventure" was Moses coming down from Mt. Sinai with the Ten Commandments.

4- The other guests leave (even after the ghost is revealed to have been Mr Glowry's somnambulant steward Crow) and Scythrop becomes depressed.

5- ambulanting health centres, mostly manned by Norwegian and Danish doctors and nurses (themselves being refugees) took care of the prisoners.

6- He became honorary chairman of the association of ambulant tradespersons and carnies.

7- Classes 6 to 10 encompass ambulant athletes with class 6 the most severely disabled and class 10 the least.

8- Electrocardiogram, ambulant ECG, ambulant blood pressure and echocardiogram were all studied before treatment and after treatment 6, 12 and 18 months.

9- At the moment, I refer to myself as "shambling amateur", "ambulant pacifier" or "milch cow".

10- ambulant has its shortcomings, but these traps will, of course, disappear over time.

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