1- Mexican revolutionary hero Emiliano Zapata was ambushed and killed by government troops in April of 1919.

2- The newlyweds were ambushed with handfuls of rice as they came out of the church.

3- Mexican revolutionary hero Emiliano Zapata was ambushed and killed by government troops in April of 1919.

4- The children ambushed their father with water balloons as he came out of the house.

5- I felt like I had been ambushed at the staff meeting when Avril and Michelle started asking me all these questions about what I was doing.

6- They ambushed their boss with requests for a raise at the annual Christmas party.

7- Four American soldiers were injured in Iraq today when their truck was ambushed by rebel forces.

8- They ambushed the enemy.

9- JeroenHoekThe women were ambushed by a man who had been hiding in the bushes while they were walking thorough the park.

10- Two Israeli settlers were killed and five injured after being ambushed on the way to work.

11- The prosecution has suggested that Gabriel Demers deliberately ambushed his wife and killed her, while his lawyer suggests it was a sudden, totally unplanned event.

12- In the early-morning hours of July 13, the base was ambushed by enemy machine gun fire.

13- The state government said armed assailants ambushed them.

14- 'He was ambushed by three male suspects … he was immediately fired upon with a handgun,' police Staff-Insp.

15- • On November 22, 2014, Curtis Wade Holley ambushed and killed a police officer in Tallahassee, Florida.

16- Hero Nathan Drake and his sidekick Sully are making their way to a tower, but are ambushed in a crowded marketplace.

17- I was ambushed and presented with screenshots from my private Facebook page.

18- Investigators say Gregory Allen Messer, 53, ambushed a man and woman while they were driving near his house.

19- Janabi's nephew, MP Zeid al-Janabi, was with the group when they were ambushed but was later released unharmed.

20- Merl returns home, where he is ambushed and killed.

21- Mitchell was sought out by others, 'ambushed and killed execution-style,' Borg said.

22- Near Belknap, Texas he was ambushed and shot in the back.

23- Nonetheless, he found himself captured in South Africa in 1899, after Boer soldiers ambushed an armored train.

24- Novak finally meets his son, but is ambushed by Ettore.

25- Officials said an airstrike was called in after the unit was ambushed by the Taliban.

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