1- Baltasar Gracian once noted that little said is soon amended.

2- There is always time to add a word, never to withdraw one.

3- The constitution was amended so that women could vote.

4- It wasn't until 1547 that British law was amended to end the practice of boiling people to death as punishment for criminal behavior.

5- I won't support the policy unless it is amended.

6- The university tennis club has amended its rules to allow players to wear gray or light brown clothing, rather than just white.

7- In the first line of the minutes from yesterday's meeting, the date for our next meeting should be amended to read, "January 21," not "January 12.

8- "British law was finally amended in 1547 to end the practice of boiling people to death as punishment for criminal behavior.

9- He amended his way of living.

10- But in 2010, Congress amended the NDAA to ban transferring detainees out of the prison.

11- It amended the country's existing laws, which did not criminalize sexual harassment.

12- It was initially announced at 538 feet, then amended to 474 feet.

13- The city amended a bylaw last December, at Leidemer's request.

14- The competition watchdog then amended this to 9.4 percent in its final decision on Friday morning.

15- The endangered act was last amended in the 1980s.

16- There were deadlines and deliverables due by the amended date."""

17- They sent a similar letter to the Commons committee that examined and amended the bill last year.

18- ;July 2003 :The SCO Group files an amended complaint.

19- A decade later, President Muhammad Zia ul Haq's military regime amended Pakistan's penal code.

20- After many experts, long committee meetings, and a long floor session, the House amended and passed the water bill.

21- amended complaint (pdf) Like father, like son How much do you look or act like your dad or son?

22- Baristas will be filing amended audited financial reports for the years 2012 and 2013 in the next week.

23- But advocates for the homeless say the amended law is only making things harder for people already struggling.

24- But the state law was amended this year to allow ITD to enhance the security of state-issued IDs for commercial flights.

25- Effective July 1, the law was amended to include utility and sanitation vehicles.

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