1- I wasn't aware that there was a constitutional amendment regarding that.

2- I would suspend the 1st amendment and order all media outlets to stop reporting on anything ebola.

3- I'd make darn sure that we absolutely believe the 10th amendment.

4- If I could choose an amendment to add to this Constitution, it would be the Equal Rights amendment, she said.

5- If the amendment is supported by the voters, the charter amendment on the ballot would repeal that requirement."

6- In both 1998 and 2001, Hollings' amendment failed to gain a majority of votes.

7- In his book, Ellsberg quotes James Madison, who drafted the First amendment years before he was elected president.

8- In Oklahoma, voters in 2004 approved a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman.

9- It also needs to be clearly drafted to protect people's First-amendment rights.

10- It is again another right wing Republican attempt to go Second amendment crazy.

11- It is among 33 U.S. states that ban same-sex marriage through state constitutional amendment, statute, or both.

12- It is the exercise of my 1st amendment rights..

13- It thus became the interim constitution's Fifth amendment.

14- It undermines the very democratic principle America is founded upon and deprives states of their Tenth amendment rights.

15- It's a dangerously small sample, and a good reason why amendment 3 was recently rejected in Missouri.

16- Its amazing how many police don't seem to be familiar with the 2nd amendment or even the entire Constitution.

17- It's an amendment to a lawsuit filed in December against Uber.

18- It's why we have the 2nd amendment people, to protect ourselves from tyranny.

19- Join NRA, Second amendment Foundation, Gun Owners of America and about 20 more charitable organizations that need help.

20- June 6, 2006 - Alabama voters pass a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage.

21- Keep enjoying your weekly ritual sacrifices to the Second amendment until it is YOUR child staring down that bullet.

22- Kelley said he values the Second amendment - and that recent attempts at tighter gun control measures are misguided.

23- Kelly and Stepien are attempting to invoke their Fifth amendment right against self-incrimination.

24- Later, Critchley argued again that the breadth of the Fifth amendment was significant.

25- Let us do what we can to maximize those resources, which is what your amendment does today, councillors.

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