26- For both amendments, a vote in favor of the amendment is a vote to place the amendment in the Illinois Constitution.

27- Hat tip to Politico's Morning Energy for flagging the amendments.

28- He added that he looked forward to seeing amendments for full fiscal autonomy as the bill goes to committee stage.

29- He said the amendments would help to reduce the backlog.

30- He stayed on the Senate floor all afternoon on Tuesday, working to get the specific amendments for Democrats.

31- However, Bill 42 passed with amendments to the original plan.

32- If Congress disagrees, it rejects the whole agreement and cannot delay it by introducing amendments.

33- In a report issued to parliament, the government recently stated that amendments are "urgently needed."

34- In this case, it's not even clear how many Opposition amendments will be on the table.

35- It is necessary to pass amendments to the Land Code of Ukraine regarding operations with the land in the exclusion zone.

36- It is still in force today, with some amendments.

37- It is the foundation upon which all of the other amendments are constructed.

38- It should also regularly review regulations and make amendments as needed, and should not tolerate any wrongdoing.

39- It was not immediately clear which amendments would be allowed to come up for a vote in the Senate committee.

40- It would allow him to submit trade deals to Congress for guaranteed votes on a limited timeline, and with no amendments.

41- Last month, MPs voted down a proposal to remove the military's veto power on constitutional amendments.

42- Leno said more amendments will be considered there, including several offered by Apple this week.

43- Manucharyan thinks, if passed, these amendments will lead to outrage in the country and boost migration.

44- New York There are two methods of proposing amendments.

45- Noting his book's half dozen proposed amendments, he mused, "Maybe I should have had seven."

46- November 7, 2006 - Constitutional amendments to ban same-sex marriage are on the ballot in eight states.

47- Over the past week, the bishops split themselves up into working groups to draft amendments to the text.

48- Overall, the amendments are well drafted and deserve support.

49- Prentice said he spoke with both men about the upcoming amendments but declined to share their response with reporters.

50- Quite frankly, a vote for this amendment is a vote for unborn children, Folk said of the first of his two amendments.

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