1- My father has had chronic back pain ever since he got injured at work 5 years ago.

2- My conjunctivitis is chronic.

3- Schools are chronically underfunded in this country, leading to crowded classrooms, and a deterioration in the quality of education.

4- My grandma is chronically ill with a number of problems typically associated with the elderly.

5- Bathing in hot springs is said to be good for the treatment of chronic disease, and the promotion of health.

6- She suffers from a chronic malady.

7- Recent studies show that 300 million children are chronically malnourished.

8- Tracey is a chronic worrier that gets upset about everything.

9- My grandma is chronically ill with a number of problems typically associated with the elderly.

10- In past centuries, mortality was high for three main reasons: acute and chronic food shortage, epidemic disease, and poor public-health standards.

11- Because of its chronic shortage of workers, Switzerland has encouraged migrant laborers to come to the country for the past century.

12- chronic stress in one's living environment contributes to weakened immune system functioning.

13- People who suffer from chronic stress are twice as likely to get sick from a cold or flu.

14- You'd better stay out of competition for a while if you don't want that injury to become chronic.

15- There is a chronic oversupply of rice in Japan.

16- I'm suffering from chronic constipation.

17- Having a chronic disease does not mean you can no longer enjoy the good things in life: these diseases may not be curable, but they can often be controlled.

18- Bathing in hot springs is said to be good for the treatment of chronic disease, and the promotion of health.

19- An Australian scientist recently announced that people born in the autumn live longer than those born in the spring, and are less likely to fall chronically ill when they are older.

20- Trade deficits are chronic in many parts of the developing world.

21- Charles Mayo once noted that while there are several chronic diseases more destructive to life than cancer, none is more feared.

22- Studies show that an estimated 75 percent of North Americans are chronically dehydrated.

23- He has a chronic injury in his elbow because he plays so much tennis.

24- Adults with chronic health problems should first consult a physician before beginning a new program of physical activity.

25- Half a billion people, about one of every eight, are suffering chronic malnutrition today.

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