1- With winter coming on, it's time to buy warm clothes.

2- The crowd was growing restless in anticipation of the band coming on stage.

3- Night coming on, we left for home.

4- The crowd was growing restless in anticipation of the band coming on stage.

5- Night coming on, people began to get home.

6- Night coming on, we went home.

7- With winter coming on, they have to buy a lot of fuel.

8- It's getting pretty chilly in the morning, we can really feel winter coming on.

9- What train is Mr Takase coming on?

10- A big typhoon is coming on.

11- There is not much possibility of his coming on time.

12- I got really into it, and I just can't forget the exhilaration of becoming one with the audience.

13- With winter coming on, the mountains will soon be covered with snow.

14- Are you sure of her coming on time?

15- Winter is coming on.

16- Night coming on, the boys went home.

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